Positive Mantras To Wake Up Purposefully

It's tempting to hit the snooze button, blow off work, and keep the blinds closed for a couple more hours. Sleep is so critical for good health and wellbeing, and so getting adequate shut-eye should be a top priority. Unfortunately, we often lack in hours, and it can be hard to get ourselves out from the covers. Yet, by using positive mantras to lift ourselves up and excite us for the day ahead, we can start brushing our teeth, getting dressed, eating a quick breakfast and heading to the office with direction and purpose.
As a certified health coach, I find that some of my clients struggle with low self-esteem and motivation for the day ahead, often due to dissatisfaction at work and chronic fatigue or boredom with their daily grind. To excite them, I suggest utilizing positive mantras, indicating just how fantastic they are and what goals they hope to accomplish that day. With newfound purpose and drive, they come to see great possibilities and opportunities awaiting them. We also work on adding in adventure, whether it be a new happy hour spot or exercise class, a Facetime with an old friend, or a goal to try a different soup flavor each day that week for lunch. Apart from these lifestyle adjustments, positive mantras alone can really fuel your day. Here are eleven to keep in mind.
1. "I have infinite worth and valuable gifts to share with the world."
This mantra, by certified holistic health coach and personal trainer Jen Bruno, with J.B. Fitness and Nutrition, as told through email correspondence with Bustle, is great for boosting self-esteem and self-awareness and for setting up a mission to share your good qualities with those around you. Own your worth, and get ready to make great strides towards your goals.
2. "I am grateful that in each moment I have the ability to change my life at will."
This mantra by Bruno resonates with the idea that we should be grateful for ability to breathe, walk, act and accomplish things and that our influence is powerful. Take control of your life, and make it what you want it to be. Ban fear, and take advantage of time; it is precious and ever fleeting, and you don't want to waste another second of it.
3. "This is my day. Let's get up and live."
Over email with Bustle, running coach and personal trainer Susie Lemmer, shares this positive mantra that is plain and simple, yet incredibly powerful. She emphasizes the idea of just one day, one day to make something great and to be the best you can be. Taking each day for its single entity and lead to an incredible week, to an incredible month, and to an incredible life.
4. "All I need to do right now is swing my legs over the side of the bed and sit up; I know I am capable of doing that."
This mantra by Chicago-based therapist Chelsea Hudson, over an interview by email with Bustle, starts with the root of the problem: getting out of the bed. By pointing out how simplistic it is to perform a basic motor function, she doesn't really give herself a way out. "Waiting to 'feel motivated' to get out of bed usually doesn't work because when you're exhausted, anxious or sad, nothing will seem more attractive than the safety and comfort of your bed. Therefore, your actions really need to come first and then usually the motivation will follow as you gain more mastery," Hudson shares.
5. "I always feel better once I get out of bed."
Hudson recommends reminding yourself of just how fabulous you feel once you have gotten out of bed, splashed cold water on your face, and eaten a tasty, protein-filed breakfast and reached the office filled with smiling coworkers and coffee, lots of coffee. Try visualizing yourself at work, kicking serious butt on a project or engaging in a lively conversation with cubicle mates.
6. "People are counting on me and that's a good thing because it means I'm valued."
This mantra by Hudson is great for two reasons: one, it emphasizes your sense of worth, and two, it adds an additional responsibility. It's hard to let people down, and if there are co-workers counting on you for assistance with projects, clients depending on you to maintain their needs, and bosses who will just plain be angry with or fire you if tardiness or absences are too habitual, it's real tough to stay in bed and dismiss those obligations.
7. "My clients depend on me to do good work. I depend on myself to do good work. Let's get to work."
Simple and clean, this quote by Jeremy Greenberg, web designer and owner of digital marketing agency 97 Switch, over email with Bustle, shows how basic needs, responsibility and rational thinking can make the decision of whether or not to get out of bed seem nonsensical. "Building and maintaining a business is tough, and I owe it to myself to give it my all each day," Greenberg adds. Plus, once you're up, you can start remembering why you love what you do!
8. "Each day I choose to seek and acknowledge my personal happiness."
This quote by Bruno is uplifting and targets personal happiness, rather than professional. By integrating personal happiness into your daily goals, the day ahead seems less daunting and rigid and more fun and spontaneous. What gives you personal happiness? A workout? A dinner with friends? A Netflix show after work? Do what makes you feel fulfilled, and start looking forward to it first thing in the morning.
9. "The past does not define my present. I live in the now and create my future."
Bruno chooses to detach herself from the past and to focus on the present and future for optimal goal-setting. Worrying about the past is not helpful for the future, and while we may learn from our mistakes or past actions, it's best to use that insight in a positive and productive way going forward. Focus on what energy you can bring each day and how that will brighten your future.
10. "If I don't get out of bed, I might miss out on meeting someone new."
Hudson uses this mantra to consider the risk associated with staying in bed. She thinks of the opportunities that await her, and how by staying in bed, she might miss out on one that might change her professional life or open the door to new adventures and social relationships. Use this mantra to motivate you to take chances and not let an opportunity fly by.
11. "Let's get sweaty."
By telling your body that it's time to sweat, you can motivate yourself to get out of bed. Setting up a workout for the morning, whether it be a run or a fitness class, can boost your mood with endorphins and prime your body for the day head. "I love a morning sweat and often have a buddy I'm meeting at my destination which is super motivating," says visual artist and yoga instructor Tracee Badway over email with Bustle. Think about seeing your friends and doing something good for your body, and you'll be up in no time!
When you have positive mantras to wake yourself up, there's no way you can just sit in bed and give up on ample opportunities to meet your goals. Remind yourself of how great it feels to do good work and to connect with others each day, and even schedule workouts, meditation sessions or breakfast dates with friends if it'll help you feel excited to get out the door and embrace life.
Images: Pixabay (1); Pexels (11)