Don't freak out, but Game of Thrones Season 6 is officially halfway over. Episode 5, "Hold the Door," marked the halfway point in the season, and as Hodor fans everywhere know, the title turned out to be hugely significant in the episode's final moments. Now ComicBook.com has reported that the network that airs the series in Germany has revealed the titles for the final three episodes of Game of Thrones Season 6. The reported titles have been translated from German to English and have not been confirmed by HBO, but if they are the real deal, the last three outings of the season could be huge.
Of course, first comes episodes 6 and 7 with their confirmed titles of "Blood of My Blood" and "The Broken Man," which sound rather portentous themselves. "Blood of My Blood" is a Dothraki term by which a Khal addresses his bloodriders, and it has often been used by Dany to address her followers, but more importantly it was used in a romantic sense between Dany and Khal Drogo. In the more literal sense, it could hint at serious familial sacrifices or betrayals being made by siblings Margaery and Loras, Cersei and Jaime, and Sansa and Jon. As for "The Broken Man," if the title refers to the same broken man from the book series, fans are in for a major surprise. For now though, I want to focus on the final three episodes
First, allow me to clear out the spoiler-phobes: if you do not want to know the potential titles for the final three episodes of the season, turn back now.
Are they gone? Let's do this.
Episode 8 — "No One"
Arya is at a crossroads. If she passes the test set forth to her by The Faceless Men and kills the actor without question, she will become one step closer to completing her training and truly being no one. If she doesn't, The Faceless Men probably won't just let her walk away. After all, the wall demands a new face.
On a larger scale, many characters are struggling with their identities this season. Jon's return from the dead, Theon's escape from Ramsay, and Arya's training have left these three characters in particular pondering who they truly are. They all feel like no one at this point, making this title one with potentially devastating connotations since "no one" has nothing left to lose.
Episode 9 — "The Battle Of The Bastards"
Traditionally, Episode 9 is reserved for major battles or acts of utter devastation — see Ned's beheading and The Red Wedding — and it looks like this season will be no different. With Ramsay getting cockier by the minute, and holding Rickon captive, Sansa and Jon have decided to rally the troops and take back the North. The question is not whether this battle will happen, but will the right side win, and at what cost? There is no such thing as a battle without causalities (Rickon and Tormund, I am so afraid for you guys).
Episode 10 — "The Winds Of Winter"
I am choosing to look at this potential title as a plea for George R.R. Martin to finish book six, The Winds of Winter, already, but it likely has a more practical meaning for the show. Expect snow to finally arrive at King's Landing, and maybe even for the White Walkers to breach The Wall. As Game of Thrones gets closer to the end, winter is going to have to set in across all of Westeros.
This title also reads as a warning. The winds of winter are bound to blow in more heartache and pain for fan favorites like Jon, Sansa, Arya, Dany, and Tyrion. Expect the season to end with a sense of foreboding, and a feeling that the Stark house words are finally coming true.
If these titles are accurate, Game of Thrones is heading for some serious action in the final episodes of the season, and as always, the show will no doubt leave you wanting more.
Images: Helen Sloan/HBO; Giphy (4)