One of the great things about The Bachelorette is that it makes the most of television as an interactive medium. Fans can choose their level of engagement via social media — whether you're live-tweeting or snooping around for final rose clues. So, if you're looking to follow the The Bachelorette contestants on Snapchat, I've got you covered.
Based on the very nature of Snapchat, you're not going to get much Behind the Scenes action on there. It's an instant platform, so you would have had to have had either a crystal ball or a time travel machine to do that. This is more about seeing what their lives are like now that the show has stopped filming. It's a great, stress-free way to get to know someone. Plus, Snapchat is so deceptively temporary that some of the suitors might leak a spoiler, so you don't want to miss anything! While you're at it, JoJo herself is on Snapchat @jfletchaa according to her official Instagram — make sure you don't miss anything!
Double plus, people are hilarious on Snapchat. The Bachelorette can get pretty stressful, and I for one relish the chance to see the contestants let loose. Here are all of the current contestants and whatever information I could dig up. Let's get snapping!
His handle is @hahayq — Alex is one of the only suitors who has got Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat ready to go.
Ali's Snap is @imchazwhatsup — which is confusing with a Chad and a Chase in the game, but we'll go with it.
He's not on the platform as far as I can tell. Brandon might actually be too cool for Snapchat, don't you think?
This guy is MIA on Twitter, of course, makes us even more suspicious of his motives. However, I did find his IG and SC @REALCHADJOHNSON
Chase is active on Instagram and just started a Twitter, but he may not be Snapping just yet.
Christian is very visible on every platform, including @mrchrisbishop on Snapchat.
His IG claims that he's new to the app, but you can follow Derek's snaps @dpmia
His Instagram will give you FOMO, but no Snapchat presence yet.
I wish this guy had Snapchat, his other social media proves that his live is always moving forward, but he doesn't.
Grant is a model, so his IG is a given. Luckily, you can also find him on SC @grantkemp
James F.
This James seems to prefer words to images, so maybe we're better off following him on Twitter, and sometimes Instagram.
James S.
Without a Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat... is this man even real? Who's to say?
James Taylor
His Snapchat is jimbonator89 — a super fun name for a super fun guy.
You can find Jordan on Snapchat @rogue11, which sounds ominous enough.
His social media all-inclusive and very organized to boot! Snapchat @lucaspell for more!
Nick B.
Ho ho ho, who wouldn't go... follow Nick on Snapchat @nickbenvenutti — I'm sorry. So, so sorry.
Robby's at @robbyhayes and from the looks of it, a follow is worth your while.
This dude is one of the most branded people I have ever encountered — you can find him everywhere, including SC, @VINNYVINSANE
You heard the man! @wellsadams is easy enough to remember, I think.
Last, but only alphabetically and certainly not least, Will doesn't have a Snap account. However, he seems new to social media so let's not overwhelm him right out the gate.
So, there you go! Hopefully more contestants will get their Snap on as the series progresses.