17 Father's Day Cards To Send This Year

This year, Father’s Day falls on Sunday, June 19 — so that means that it is time to start picking out the perfect Father’s Day card to ensure that your pop gets his snail mail in time. Even if you can just as easily make a sweet Facebook collage, send an e-card, make a phone call, or schedule a family dinner to make your dad know how much you value him, there’s nothing like a good old-fashioned card to celebrate this day.
There are plenty of funny Father’s Day cards that will give your dad a good laugh on the day. Try grabbing a card that slights your sibling as a way to spark a little friendly rivalry, or pick out a card that apologizes for your angsty teen years. As long as you fill a card with a sweet Father’s Day message, your pop is sure to love it. But a pretty, funny, or thoughtful design most definitely doesn’t hurt either. Get your words out however you need to, grab a stamp, and send off the perfect card to wish your dad a happy Father’s Day indeed.
These 17 cards are sure to bring a smile to your dad’s face.
1. If At First You Don't Succeed Card
Dads are always prepared with a pep talk, after all.
Card, $3.74,
2. Darth Vader Card
Because Star Wars can be a major bonding moment between a father and daughter.
Card, $4,
3. Batman Card
Being cooler than Batman means being cooler than cool itself.
Card, $3.74,
4. Before Kids Card
Allow your dad to reminisce on his youth — but also be majorly grateful for the present.
Card, $4,
5. Rad Dad Card
Say it simple and say it sweet with a card that rhymes.
Card, $3.71,
6. Ned Stark Card
Let's be honest — there aren't that many great dads in Game of Thrones at all.
Card, $4,
7. Sibling Rivalry Card
Father's Day: the perfect time to throw your sibling under the bus.
Card, $2.62,
8. Spider Assassin Card
Moving away from home meant losing one of the best bug-killers around.
Card, $4,
9. Trump Card
For the dad who can't stop reading up on politics, this is one card that he'll really love.
Card, $4.23,
10. Thanks For Dealing Card
This Father's Day, own up to the hell you put your poor dad through all those years.
Card, $3.99,
11. Beer Card
Sometimes, father really does know best.
Card, $3.74,
12. Honorary Dad Card
Father's Day is also the perfect time to send well wishes to the step-dads, godfathers, and other supportive father figures in your life.
Card, $4.50,
13. Parental Rivalry Card
Of course you may love both parents equally, but who would disagree with a little joking on Father's Day?
Card, $4,
14. The Best One Card
Think of this as the card version of a #1 Dad mug.
Card, $4.50,
15. Tie Card
Chances are your dad doesn't need another tie for his collection. So pay homage to the stereotypical gift by way of card instead.
Card, $4.50,
16. Gold Letter Card
If you don't feel like springing for a funny card, this stylish black and gold card makes a beautiful option.
Card, $4.84,
17. Personalized Card
Consider this the grown-up version of all those cards you made from scratch through your childhood.
Card, $2.23,
Images: Etsy (17)