In porn, and in the sex everyday folks get down with, consent is king. And whether it's for entertainment purposes or solely for pleasure, there are certain behaviors that just won't fly. To find out what isn't tolerated in adult entertainment, a new WoodRocket video asks who porn stars won't have sex with (and who they will), providing a glimpse into various actresses' "No lists," and how they go about choosing who can come and who can go.
Most people already have an idea of what would make their sexual "No list." The off-limits things folks described in this video are the kind you probably don't want to tangle with either, including those with boundary issues, bad attitudes, "unhygienic" bodies, and those who are "blatantly racist or nasty on social media," "openly misogynistic in a not sexy fashion," and the generally abusive, arrogant and/or selfish.
Since it can be hard to keep a growing list of who not to work with, some stars find it easier to keep out the creeps by making a "Yes list" instead, and limiting interaction to the scene partners they're familiar with.
Watch this SFW video to see how these porn stars' "No lists" compare to yours.
Images: WoodRocket/YouTube