
Every 'Bachelorette' Season Needs A Good Villain

by Alexis Rhiannon

I'm fully aware that the new season hasn't even started yet, but let's talk about who will be the villain on The Bachelorette this time around. Sorry, JoJo Fletcher. I love you, but you know there's gonna be at least one man in your pack of suitors who isn't There For The Right Reasons, and the sooner we can point him out, the better. (Or the better for us, anyway. You already wrapped up filming, so you're sadly out of luck.) You might think that picking someone out in advance of the May 23 premiere is a crapshoot, but you'd be surprised how many stealthy details about the plot arc of the season get hinted at before the first foot steps out of the limo.

One place that it always makes sense to look for these little nuggets of information is in the interview Chris Harrison typically does with Yahoo, where he speaks about five or so of the contestants. Prior to Ben Higgins' season of The Bachelor, it was in this interview that we found out about soon-to-be-villain Olivia Caridi, with Harrison teasing us by introducing Caridi by saying, "One of the things Ben worries about is if she is sincere, because she has a career in television. And he wonders, like everyone does, if she is there for the right reasons — or is she here for publicity?" So Harrison is really pulling no punches in these interviews, and, if you pay close attention, you can catch a glimpse of his real meaning.

This time around, he appears to have pegged the villain as none other than Chad Johnson.

Chad is a 28-year old Luxury Real Estate Agent and former Marine from Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Chris Harrison introduces him thusly to Yahoo:

Chad, oh Chad. America is either going to love this guy or love to hate this guy. The real estate agent is very charming, handsome and has a body that was chiseled out of bedrock. He’s very buff. We haven’t gotten the results back on if it is natural, but he says it is. He has an ego to go with the Olympic-sized body. There’s not going to be any gray area surrounding Chad. He is not shy about sharing his opinions, he does what he wants and he is competitive. He will definitely make some waves in the house.

Um, you had me from the "Chad, oh Chad," which was proof enough that this guy is destined to be the villain. Then you dropped, like, eight more hints, from "love him or hate him" to "charming" to "Olympic-sized ego" to "no gray area" to "not shy" to "competitive" to that final warning that he'll "make some waves in the house." I mean, we get it.

There's always gotta be one villain, and it seems like we've found ours. So, take Chris Harrison's advice and keep your eye on Chad during the premiere, to see how early we can glimpse his true colors. Whatever they might be.

Images: ABC (2)