18 Body Positive Twitter Accounts To Follow

Reading body positive articles and blog posts is an easy way to stay up to date with fat politics, social justice movements, and even your own self love journey. These reminders, often shared through social media, are undoubtedly crucial to our personal and social development. The body positive Twitter accounts, Instagram accounts, and even Snapchat friends I follow can totally turn a bad self image day into a good one, all the while keeping me informed across every platform that I use.
As we approach summer — the season during which spam accounts promoting miracle weight loss teas run rampant — seeing confident women love themselves, promote fat acceptance, and discuss the intricacies of body positivity can be nothing short of inspirational. But while we have dozens upon dozens of lists out there telling us which body positive Instagram accounts to follow, I feel that Twitter as a social media channel has been sorely underrated as a powerful tool.
In 140 characters, these 18 body positive Twitter users share self love, debate and discuss the merits and issues of surrounding the body pos community, and go out of their way to support each other in a manner that just isn't arguably achieved on the same level through other platforms. By following these accounts, you can hopefully further the body positive debate while reminding yourself why the movement is so important.
1. Fat Grrrl Activism
Fat Grrrl Activism is a key resource for, well, fat activism. By regularly retweeting the best of the best body positive and fat positive articles on the internet, alongside powerful music and other tweeters' selfies and posts, this account will keep you up to date and informed on what's happening in the world of plus.
2. Nerd About Town
You probably know Stephanie Yeboah from her lifestyle and fashion blog Nerd About Town, but this goddess saves some of her best content for her Twitter account. While her long-form blog posts read beautifully, there's a sharpness to her tweets that helps her analyze the issues of and within the plus size community.
3. Sara Petty
The Twitter sensation caused a storm on social media and media outlets the world over with her outfit selfies, in which she wore the clothes that she saw others claim anyone over 200 pounds "shouldn't wear." Obviously she looked beautiful in each shot and put a middle finger up to these body shamers in the best way. But Petty also writes for The Odyssey regularly, while keeping her Twitter account as body positive as ever.
4. Murder Of Goths
Kat of the blog Murder Of Goths and the same-named Twitter account is a plus size, disabled mother of two and the perfect fatshionable blogger to remind anyone that alternative styles aren't solely for thin humans. Her feminist politics make their way into every conversation, just as they arguably should for everyone.
5. Ariel Woodson
Ariel Woodson is my personal hero when it comes to unapologetic fatness. Her podcast Bad Fat Broads, which she manages with fellow fat activist KC Slack, is one of the best things you'll ever listen to. Not only does Woodson strike a perfect balance between constructive criticism and pride surrounding the body positivity movement, but she's also really, really funny, and will undoubtedly be a great contribution to your Twitter feed.
6. Miss Informed
Daisy Hollands is a self-proclaimed diet industry dropout with the incredibly witty Twitter handle Miss Informed. Another blogger who balances body positivity and lifestyle tweets in a way that will remind you that there's a real human being behind this Twitter account, Miss Informed is much more than inspiring.
7. Femmina
The second half of Bad Fat Broads, KC Slack, balances social justice with insightful humor in a very similar way to her co-host Ariel Woodson. This is another Twitter account that you need to follow, even if only to feel empowered by Slack's winning personality.
8. Amanda Apparel
Amanda Crichton of the eponymous Amanda Apparel blends the boundaries of plus size fashion and straight up body positive activism in a way that doesn't dilute the message, but instead strengthens it. This Scottish body positive ambassador makes sure not only to promote her own brand of self-love, but love to all the other accounts she adores, too.
9. Fat And Flawless
I live, breathe, and die for Fat And Flawless' #fatbeautyoftheday posts — shout-outs to incredibly fat babes doing badass things. This feed perfectly expresses what "community" should mean, and helps shed light on how the plus size community and body positive movement can build each other up. Just scrolling through this account gives me so much inspiration; and if you're having a bad bod kind of day, this account is here to remind you of all the beauty to be found in larger forms.
10. Lottie L'Amour
An award-winning plus size blogger, you say? I'm in! Lottie L'Amour is all personality and powerful selfies, but don't let that fool you. This body positive babe is here to fight patriarchal standards of beauty just as much as anyone else. Her positivity in herself and in others is aspirational, to say the least.
Want more radical body positivity? Check out the podcast below, and be sure to subscribe to The BodCast for more self-love inspo.
11. Dom Clark
Body positivity is arguably female and queer-dominated because, often, we're the people who need it the most. What I love about Dom Clark, however, is his recognition of how issues of gender and sexuality intersect with fat activism in a big way, instead of claiming body positivity for boys only. Men: This is how you contribute to the body positive conversation. Please take note.
12. Your Fat Friend
Your Fat Friend is a Twitter account that does exactly what it says on the tin. By giving friendly reminders of what's OK and what's not, Your Fat Friend isn't shaming you for making mistakes, but making sure you don't do them again. Her highly politicized tweets won't pussyfoot around, but they won't make you feel like an evil troll demon from hell, either.
13. Alysse Dalessandro
Following Alysse Dalessandro on every form of social media inspires me on the daily: Her unique style, body positive businesswoman attitude, as well as all-around loveliness makes me want to be Alysse when I grow up. Women this powerful can truly make me feel like a child, but in a way that sparks a desire to progress and further educate myself.
14. Chloe In Curve
Chloe Ellio is a plus size fashion and lifestyle blogger who looks effortlessly gorgeous all the time, but don't let that fool you: Ellio speaks often and unrelentingly about the issues plus size writers face, as well as the issues of the plus size community as a whole. She's a perfect follow for any budding body positive writers or bloggers.
15. The Fat Nutritionist
The word nutritionist may send a shudder down the spines of anybody who loves fried food as much as I do. But Michelle is, as she says, the Fat Nutritionist, and she's here to make you feel better about all your lifestyle choices as a fat person.
16. Dress Carcass
Ushshi of Dress Carcass is yet another blogger to make this list, but the conversations that she keeps exclusively for her Twitter followers make her a key body positive Twitter user to follow. Her intersectional views on body positivity are ones that everyone should be reaching to achieve, too.
17. Arched Eyebrow
Bethany Rutter of Arched Eyebrow is probably one of the most prominent names on the UK body positivity scene, and for good reason: Her body positivity isn't self-centered or fashion-based; and as proven by her Twitter account, Rutter has a witty way with words that manage to attack and combat body shaming in every aspect.
18. Melly Meep
Carefree fat girls of the world, gather around to follow Melly Meep's Twitter account, because this queen is going to give you a lesson in how it's done. No blog, no gimmicks, Mel Chillag is simply living her life to the fullest and looking fabulous while doing so.
This list barely scratches the surface of the varied, weird, and wonderful people on Twitter and elsewhere who make up the body positive movement. But these people will facilitate an empowering head-start when it comes to injecting some self-love and social justice into a feed that might have been lacking these things before.
Image: Courtesy Stephanie Yeboah/Nerd About Town