If you've ever been involved in planning a wedding (or a shower, or a bachelorette party), you know that the logistics are tricky, to say the least. First, there's the huge task of trying to please (or appease) a varied group of friends and family. Then, there's the sheer amount of time that it takes to make every tiny decision, and it rarely stops after you've booked a venue. Likely, you have a life outside of wedding planning, and most people aren't prepared for full-time, lady-in-waiting-status commitment.
Kellee Khalil experienced this firsthand while planning her sister's wedding — there was so much information available, but no way to consolidate it into something useful. So in 2012, after graduating from college with a degree in business administration and entrepreneurial studies, she founded Lover.ly.
There's always a new startup on the block claiming to solve your most vexing problems, but only a special few actually deliver on that promise. Khalil hopes that her company has landed among them, so we partnered with Head & Shoulders to get a peek into the everyday routine of a self-made entrepreneur. As we learned from Kellee Khalil, running a business is a 24/7 enterprise, so mornings are her time to meditate, primp for the day, and of course, cuddle with her adorable dog, Oliver.
Want to learn more? In partnership with Head & Shoulders, we present the second episode of Make My Day, starring Kellee Khalil.
Make My Day is a series created in partnership with Head & Shoulders. We’re spending a morning with female self-starters of all stripes, from beauty bloggers to fitness experts.