
Which State Lasts the Longest in Bed?

by Lucia Peters

If you've ever considered relocating, you've probably thought about weather, cost of living, quality of life...but what about which state lasts longest in bed? I'd say sexual longevity is something to take into account, no? Thanks to Nerve and an app called Spreadsheets, we’ve got the stats.

How exactly does Spreadsheets work? When you’re getting busy, it gathers statistical feedback about your duration, thrusts, and decibel peak using your phone’s accelerometer and speakers. Danny Wax, co-founder of the app, told Nerve, “Spreadsheets was created to approach sex in a way that is both light-hearted and improvement oriented. We wanted to create an app that entices users to have some fun with their partner and share in that afterglow experience, while encouraging open dialog and feedback.” There are even 30 “achievements” you can aim for, the same way you would playing a video game (except better, because as awesome as video games are, sex is WAY better).

Spreadsheets shared the stats logged by about 10,000 of its early adopters with Nerve, allowing them to rank each state by its average duration. The winner? New Mexico, with an average time of seven minutes and one second. Exactly half the states — 25 on the nose, including such diverse locations as California, New Jersey, and Montana — seem to fall somewhere in the two- to three-minute range; and on the lowest end of the spectrum, we have Vermont (1:48), South Dakota (1:30), and Alaska (1:21). Sorry, guys.

Of course, it’s worth noting that the app only covers the main event; since sex is way more than just intercourse, this doesn’t necessarily mean that states with faster finishing times are bad in the sack. Besides, as Nerve notes, intercourse itself usually only lasts for three to 13 minutes. It’s everything else that goes along with it that makes it so much fun.

Here’s the full list of results. How did your state do?

1. New Mexico – (7:01)

2. West Virginia – (5:38)

3. Idaho – (5:11)

4. South Carolina – (4:48)

5. Missouri – (4:22)

6. Michigan -(4:14)

7. Utah – (3:55)

8. Oregon – (3:51)

9. Nebraska – (3:47)

10. Alabama – (3:38)

11. Delaware – (3:33)

12. Hawaii – (3:28)

13. Wisconsin – (3:22)

14. North Dakota – (3:18)

15. Arizona – (3:17)

16. Maryland – (3:15)

17. Mississippi – (3:10)

18. Rhode Island – (3:09)

19. Connecticut – (3:07)

20. Texas – (3:06)

21. New Hampshire – (3:04)

22. Wyoming – (3:03)

23. New York – (3:01)

24. Pennsylvania – (2:58)

25. Maine – (2:58)

26. Washington – (2:51)

27. Iowa – (2:50)

28. Illinois – (2:49)

29. North Carolina – (2:47)

30. Tennessee – (2:46)

31. Kansas – (2:38)

32. California – (2:38)

33. Massachusetts – (2:31)

34. Florida – (2:29)

35. New Jersey – (2:28)

36. Indiana – (2:26)

37. Virginia – (2:23)

38. Oklahoma – (2:21)

39. Colorado – (2:21)

40. Minnesota – (2:19)

41. Ohio – (2:18)

42. Louisiana – (2:17)

43. Kentucky – (2:14)

44. Arkansas – (2:08)

45. District of Columbia – (2:08)

46. Nevada – (2:07)

47. Georgia – (2:07)

48. Montana – (2:03)

49. Vermont – (1:48)

50. South Dakota – (1:30)

51. Alaska – (1:21)

Image: Bustle Stock Images