
Azor Ahai Proof From Jon Snow's 'GoT' Resurrection

by Alaina Urquhart-White

It happened, friends. On last Sunday's episode of Game Of Thrones , Jon Snow was resurrected after he got a quick haircut and a thorough sponge bath, and he came back to us, seemingly thanks to Melisandre. Never have I been so excited to see a man take three panicked, gasping breaths in my life. Now that he's at least breathing again, the theories about whether he will be the same old Jon Snow when we see him next have been swirling around. One theory is gaining some serious ground and it's starting to look like it may be likely to play out. If you take a look back at his resurrection, there are clues that hint Jon Snow is Azor Ahai, aka the reincarnation of the fabled, Westerosi hero. Azor Ahai's reincarnation is said to be The Prince Who Was Promised, and he will save the Seven Kingdoms from darkness with his flaming sword, Lightbringer.

There are some pretty specific parts to the prophecy of Azor Ahai that need to play out first, though. Fortunately for us, it seems like there were a few little hints during the second episode, entitled "Home," that may lead to a confirmation of this theory. The thing to remember is that none of the prophecy absolutely needs to be interpreted literally. There's definitely room for some metaphors or symbols. According to the books, here's what needed to be present to bring about Azor Ahai, and how it lined up with Jon Snow's resurrection on the show.

The Forging Of Lightbringer

As the story goes, Azor Ahai forged his flaming sword by plunging it into the heart of his beloved wife, Nissa Nissa. It was her soul that was necessary to temper the blade and create the fabled, Lightbringer. So, who is Jon's Nissa Nissa? I would argue that Ygritte was his one true love. He even rebuffed Melisandre's advances, sighting his loyalty to Ygritte even though she was already dead. That's some serious luuuurve.

Although it was Sam who instructed Olly to pick up a weapon and start fighting Wildlings during the Battle At Castle Black, it was Jon who left Ygritte to rejoin The Watch and warned and prepared his men for the Wildlings attack. In some way, Jon is inadvertently responsible for Ygritte's death. She was killed by an arrow, but after Ygritte's death, Jon is suddenly able to obliterate a White Walker with his sword, Longclaw, during the episode, "Hardhome." Could it have been brought to life by Ygritte's sacrifice? I'm saying it's possible.

A Bleeding Star

Azor Ahai's resurrection will be heralded by a bleeding star. This one is tough because there wasn't a conspicuously bleeding star legitimately chillin' in the sky anywhere. Wouldn't that have been neat? We have to get clever with this one but in the end, it's very tidy. Once Melisandre took off her necklace to reveal that she is actually a very old woman, a long debated theory about her parents now seems very plausible.

Fans have theorized that Melisandre could have possibly been the daughter of King Aegon Targaryen's bastard children, Shiera Seastar and Bloodraven (awesome band name! I call it!). The descriptions of Shiera and Melisandre in the books is shockingly similar and now that she is revealed to be probably over a hundred years old, it's definitely possible that she could be their child. Why is this relevant? Shiera SeaSTAR. Melisandre is the star part of the equation and we can call her broken faith a figurative "bleed" or she could possibly have done something to literally bleed before or after performing the spell to resurrect Jon. Bleeding Star.


The reincarnation of Azor Ahai will be born, "amidst salt and smoke." Let's focus on the "salt" part of that prophecy. First, raise your hand if you have been personally victimized by Olly from Game Of Thrones. A lot of people cite Olly's tears while he ruthlessly murdered John, to be the salt. I don't want Olly to have any part of this because he's the worst. So, I have a slightly less obvious theory regarding the salt. It is said in the books that the Wall is salty. When Bran The Builder accidentally gets a drip in his mouth, the book reads:

The door's upper lip brushed against the top of Bran's head and a drop of water fell on him and ran slowly down his nose. it was strangely warm, and salty as a tear.

So, the Wall is salty. Is it possibly made of seawater? It would actually make sense scientifically because salt water has a lower melting point and the wall is often said to be "weeping" during warmer days in the books. Also, salt has been cited as a method of protection against evil in many cultures and religions forever (ex. Paganism). Would it be crazy to think the Wall has saltwater in it to protect against the magic of the White Walkers? Could Melisandre have used melting saltwater from the surrounding wall to wash Jon's body before his resurrection? Her spell may have even called for saltwater.


So, the smoke part of the prophecy is a little more obvious, in my opinion. Melisandre cut locks of Jon's beautiful hair (I'm clutching my pearls right along with you) while she performed her resurrection ritual. She tossed the curls in the flames and boom, smoke. I think that's pretty clear cut.

Dragon's Blood

Azor Ahai is said to have the blood of the dragon. Well, right now we are still assuming Jon is Ned Stark's bastard child and simply has the blood of the wolf running through his reanimated veins. But, what about that little R + L = J theory floating around? You know, the one that really convincingly postulates that Jon is actually the son of Ned's sister Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen? That would be your dragon's blood, folks.

That particular theory is starting to look better and better, especially considering the fact that last week's episode showed us our first glimpse of a young Lyanna Stark. Next week's episode entitled, "Oathbreaker," may very well focus around the storming of the Tower of Joy where Lyanna was found by Ned in a bed of blood and made him promise her something mysterious before her death. Ned then returned back from battle with an infant son named, Jon. Hmm. Seems pretty legit to me.

Not to mention, the title "Oathbreaker" is likely referring to the fact that Jon being a Targaryen and having a legitimate claim to the Iron Throne would break his oath to the Night's Watch that promises that members will "wear no crowns and win no glory." Well, if this all pans out, Jon will be wearing a thorny crown and winning a whole load of glory. Consider that oath broken.

So, there we have it. Jon Snow sure seems like he is going to be our Prince That Was Promised.

Images: HBO; Giphy (5)