This Green Blush Magically Turns Pink

Remember those metallic mood rings everyone was obsessed with back in the '90s? Well, one brand is trying to bring them back, only in the form of makeup. Lipstick Queen's Frog Prince green blush changes color with each wearer's skin, and it's just about the coolest thing in beauty I have seen thus far. Trust me when I say, this is about to be your biggest makeup obsession since Kylie Jenner's lip kits.
I know what you must be thinking — "deep green blush?! there is no way I'm putting that on my face!" It may look like it belongs in a Halloween costume store, but believe me, there is much more to it than meets the eye. So how does this cryptic product work, exactly? Let me break it down for you. Lipstick Queen's Frog Prince Cream Blush contains unique color-changing technology that interacts with the pH levels of each person's skin, turning into a pretty natural shade of pink customized for the individual wearer, Teen Vogue reports. All you have to do is sweep some green powder onto your cheeks, and watch as it magically transforms. Pretty cool, right?
The brand is notorious for their deviant shock value. They successfully fooled everyone with their Frog Prince green lipstick, which works in the same way as the blush, just for your lips.
Check out the magical blush below.
Lipstick Queen Frog Prince Cream Blush, $25, Spacenk
Can you imagine your friends' reactions when you pull this baby out of your makeup bag?! LOL.
Check out some of the brand's other color-changing makeup products, because let's face it, they are just that cool.
Frog Prince Lipstick
Lipstick Queen Frog Prince Lipstick, $25, Spacenk
Here is your proof that it actually turns pink!
Hello Sailor Lip Gloss
Lipstick Queen Hello Sailor Lip Gloss, $25, S pacenk
This cobalt blue lippie turns a rosy hue too.
Hello Sailor Lipstick
Lipstick Queen Hello Sailor Lipstick, $25, Spacenk
How stunning is that lilac shade?
Frog Prince Lip Gloss
Lipstick Queen Frog Prince Lip Gloss, $25, Spacenk
How can that glittery green possibly turn pink?! Must be magic.
Images: SpaceNK (6)