9 Reasons Why You're Not Getting That Promotion

Let's say you've been working at your job for about a year, and you feel like it's time for a promotion. Even though you've been getting to the office on time and been pitching great ideas, there could be other reasons you're not getting the promotion that you think you deserve. While everyone would love to receive a raise, there are a lot of factors you have to take into account when your goal is a promotion. Yes, doing your job correctly and being on time is important, but there are many other factors you might not even realize are just as important.
According to Fast Company, HR professional and diversity specialist for Burson-Marsteller Scheron Brown said, "When promoting someone, giving them more responsibility and more time working with senior leadership, some companies think about the perception and likability within the greater group." It might sound silly, but being likable at your job is pretty important. You need to be taken seriously, but also be viewed approachable so people can talk to you about the tougher problems in the company. But don't panic if you feel like you haven't been doing as well as you could in your job. As long as you're aware of the type of mistakes you're making and you're choosing to fix them, you can eventually get the promotion you feel like you deserve. Don't know the type of issues you may be having? Here are 9 mistakes you could be making at work that could be hindering you from getting the promotion.
1. You're Not Taking Initiative
If you're never taking the lead in projects or asking your boss for feedback, your superior might view this as you being incompetent or unable to handle harder tasks. According to research conducted by Post-it Brand, 86 percent of office employees surveyed feels that every department within a company needs an intrapreneur (defined as self-starters within the work environment) in order to run efficiently. By taking initiative within the workplace, you're proving to your boss that you have the motivation to go above your job description.
2. You're Not Improving Your Communication Skills
"The number one reason people don’t get ahead is because they don’t invest in improving their communications. Decades of research show it's the number one complaint that employers have about their team members. And many studies show that good communicators rise further and faster," says influential CEO and leadership expert Caren Merrick in an interview with Bustle over email. If you're having trouble communicating better with others, try practicing with close friends or family. This could help you feel more comfortable in the work place once you talk face-to-face with your boss.
3. You Don't Get Along With Your Co-Workers
While you may be performing well at your job, your social skills might not be up to par. According to Fortune, people who get along with their co-workers are 40 percent more likely to be promoted. Just by becoming friends with your employees, you may be showing your boss that you're not afraid to talk to others and you're a true team player.
4. Your Professional Image Is Poor
Remember when you came in for your interview and you wore the perfect outfit? Well, that attire sometimes disappears after a few months at your new job because you might've gotten comfortable. According to U.S. News, rather than walking out the door in your sweats, ask yourself this question: "Does my image command respect?" If the answer is no, then change your clothes. You want to show your boss that you care enough about your job to dress accordingly.
5. You Have An Attitude Problem
If you're the type of person who's constantly complaining about their workload, then you're probably not going to be promoted. According to Business Insider, CareerBuilder conducted a survey that investigated which qualities employees had that were preventing them from getting promoted, and found that 62 percent were less likely to get promoted if they had a negative or pessimistic attitude.
6. You Cannot Adapt To Change
In today's job market, it seems like you always have to stay up-to-date with the latest technology just to hold on to your job. According to Accounting Web, author of Managing Your Career For Dummies® (Hungry Minds, Inc.) Max Messmer said "Accounting professionals who can not only adapt to change but also help drive it are well positioned for long-term success."
7. You Don't Have Leadership Skills
If you're always late, don't have effective communication skills, or you're using short cuts to get your work done, you may not be a good leader. According to Levo, the number one quality employers look for in their employees is the ability to lead. This could mean their employees are always looking for new ways to improve the company while inspiring others to do the same.
8. You're Thinking About Yourself & Not The Company
If you're just concerned about being the next EIC and not being a team player by helping the company grow, you may be getting ahead of yourself — and your boss probably already knows that. "The worst mistake I ever made was forcing my boss's hand by getting an offer at another company and lobbying for a counter-offer promotion. I was performing, but I moved up too quickly. I had an epic failure in my first year in the new role. It was too much too soon and I wasn't ready. My boss knew that - and I should have just kept doing a good job and waited for her to decide when I was ready," says CEO of Skinfix Inc. & SweetSpot Labs Amy Gordinier-Regan in an interview with Bustle over email.
9. You Don't Have The Hunger To Grow & Learn
While you may know exactly what your job entails, you need to accomplish more if you want to get ahead in your career. "There will be employees who simply do their job descriptions, and then there will be others who are passionate about the company they work for and want to delve in deeper and truly understand all aspects (even those outside their job description). The employees who seek more, will usually receive more as their hunger for knowledge and responsibility in the business will trigger a natural climb for them in the ranks of the company — when a new position becomes available the go getters who want more knowledge are an easy fit to dive in and take on a new role," says CEO & Founder of Sugarlash Courtney Buhler in an interview with Bustle over email.
While not getting the promotion is not the end of the world, you want to make sure that you're staying ahead of the game and you're working hard to make a name for yourself. Just by switching things up, gaining a positive attitude, and taking initiative, you could be viewed as a better leader and may even get the promotion you always wanted.
Images: Pexels