This Is How Much ColourPop’s Matte X Lipsticks Are

Matte lipsticks are huge at the moment because it’s hard not to love that smooth texture on your pout. If you’re in the market for a trendy lippie that’s going to carry you through the summer months, then you’re going to want to find out how much the ColourPop Matte X Lippe Stix are going for. Because when it comes to gorgeous, affordable lippies, you don’t need to look any further than this brand.
I mean, really. Have you seen their amazing new 15 shades? If you haven’t you’ve definitely been missing out. These colors are so fitting for summer, and not only that — they only cost $5. Yes, you read that right. Just five bucks will bring you all you could hope for in terms of a bold matte lip look. Praise ColourPop for looking out on those beauty gals who also happen to be on a budget.
If affordable lipstick sounds like something that’s right up your alley, head on over to the ColourPop Cosmetics website. And rack up while you're there, girl. Because why buy just one lipstick when you could get five for the price of one high-end lip product? I can’t think of a good reason not to, honestly. Because five for the price of one is the best bargain I’ve ever heard!
Yep, I'll take all five of these, please!
These shades are just perfect for summer, aren't they?
Paychecks are meant to be devoted to lipsticks, after all, right?
Good news is, these lippies won't break the bank.
And, as if you needed another reason to shop... the Matte X Lippie Stix are also vegan.
So, ladies...
Get that money ready!
Images: colourpopcosmetics/Instagram (1); Giphy (1)