
What Position Do Adult Stars Prefer?

by Kristen Sollee

If most folks had to guess which sex positions porn stars like, they'd probably conjure up some acrobatic, kinky moves that require stretching and a whole team of people to achieve. In WoodRocket's latest video on the subject, however, the most commonly name-dropped position was actually far from the hallowed twists and turns detailed in the Kama Sutra's pages, but instead the crowning jewel of the vanilla sexual arsenal: missionary position.

Although it's touted as boring and unimaginative, I personally don't see why missionary gets so much grief. After all, classics are classics for a reason. Yes, there are those difficult sex positions that once you nail can be toe-curlingly awesome — but done wrong can also bruise the hell out of you and take you out of the moment. It's silly to lay judgement on any one sex position, given how different erogenous zones and bodies are laid out, and also kind of sex negative to say that if you're not doing backbends, you're not doing sex right. If, however, it's the Christian undertones of missionary that turns you off, apparently some Arabic-speaking cultures refer to it as "in the manner of serpents." Not so boring anymore now, is it?

Check out this SFW video to see which positions make porn stars orgasm:

Images: WoodRocket/YouTube