12 Cool Things You Can Still Buy At Claire's

As a tween, if you were into cute and fun accessories or even just wanted to get your ears pierced, you probably went to Claire's. And even if you haven't stepped foot in the store you visited every single time you went to the mall (guilty) in the last decade or so, you may be surprised to learn that there are some pretty cool things you can still buy at Claire's. Because even though you may no longer be interested in having 10 different pairs of colorful earrings all shaped like dice, sporting hair chopsticks with feathers attached to one end, or collecting as many kooky keychains as you can afford with your weekly allowance, there are still some hidden gems that, for nostalgia's sake or not, you'll be totally into.
I mean, I'll at least always have a spot in my heart for Hello Kitty lunch boxes and chunky glitter pens. There are just some things you never outgrow. So if you need a little extra cuteness back in your life, or even some things you might never have thought would be at your old stomping ground, here are 12 totally cool things you can still find at Claire's.
1. Harry Potter Coloring Book
Harry Potter Coloring Book, $16,
OK seriously, how freaking cool is this? Yes, I absolutely want to color my own Dobby.
2. Mint Ice Cream Cone Nail Polish
Nail Polish, $5,
Because, um, who doesn't want nail polish shaped like an ice cream cone?
3. Strawberry Macaroon Bath Bomb
Bath Bomb, $5,
OK maybe I'm hungry, but this macaron-shaped bath bomb is seriously cute.
4. Living Royal Pepperoni Pizza Knee High Socks
Pizza Socks, $18,
So I'm quickly learning that if you're a little food-obsessed, Claire's has you covered.
5. Voluminous Natural False Lashes
Fake Lashes, $7,
Not gonna lie, these lashes look pretty bomb.
6. White Bling Retractable USB Cable
USB Cable, $13,
A little bling that keeps your cable from getting tangled is the best kind of bling. (Well, it's close.)
7. Retro Glasses Design Sunglasses Pouch
Pouch, $3,
A totally cute and simple way to keep your sunglasses from getting scratched in your purse.
8. Tapeffiti Decorative Tape Set Of 60
Tape, $20,
Remind me why I'm still using clear tape instead of this?
9. Flower Crowns: 30 DIY Floral Creations Book
Flower Crowns: 30 DIY Floral Creations Book, $17,
If you need ideas or inspiration for flowers and color combinations to use, everything you need is right here.
10. Lip Smacker Coca-Cola Flavored Lip Gloss
Lip Smacker Coca-Cola set, $15,
Soda-flavored lip balm will always be a necessity. And why have one when you can have eight?
11. Union Jack Earbuds
Ear Buds, $13,
Ginger Spice vibes anyone?
12. Vintage Style Russian 3 Way Headwrap
Head Piece, $17,
Not only are hair accessories totally on trend this year, but c'mon, this is just gorgeous.
Claire's still coming through for us even as adults.
Images: Courtesy of Brand