John Oliver Loves 'Hamilton' Just As Much As You
By now, you've likely heard of the Broadway hit Hamilton, which stars Lin-Manuel Miranda and tells the story of American founding father Alexander Hamilton through rap songs. It didn't take long for the masses to become obsessed with the show, and now the secret is out: John Oliver loves Hamilton as much as you would (if you could get tickets).
Spending Sunday evenings with Last Week Tonight has been a favorite tradition of mine — and the reported 4.6 million viewers per episode. But this tradition became infinitely better after everyone's favorite British TV host invited everyone's favorite Broadway star to his April 24 show.
The episode was focused on the debt crisis in Puerto Rico. The island, home to 3.5 million Americans, owes approximately $72 billion in bonds, but has had little help from the U.S. government int paying it back. Recognizing that it can be difficult for some people to understand just how serious this crisis is, Oliver enlisted Miranda to explain (through a rap, naturally) why we need to work together to help Puerto Rico. "Luckily, there is someone with Puerto Rican parents and an amazing voice, and he is here tonight," he said by way of introduction.
Oliver was beyond excited to have Miranda on the show, and it proved that he loves Hamilton just as much as you would — if you could ever get tickets to see it. Seriously though, getting tickets to Hamilton is nearly impossible. Oliver nailed it when he said that it was easier for a meerkat to get accepted to Harvard Law School. *Sigh*
In an attempt to show people why Puerto Rico's debt crisis matters for the U.S. at large, Oliver reminded people that among "some of our finest judges" and our top athletes, Miranda is one of our greatest gifts from Puerto Rico. "Just this week, Lin-Manuel Miranda, the son of Puerto Rican parents, won a Pulitzer Prize for Hamilton, the Broadway smash he created and stars in," Oliver said.
Later, Oliver showed a clip of when Miranda made a plea to Congress to help Puerto Rico resolve its debt crisis. Miranda even offered them tickets to see Hamilton. I repeat: Miranda. Offered. Congress. Free. Hamilton. Tickets. Oliver was adorably excited about this: "Congress should take him up on that! The show is amazing!"
But Oliver's obvious love of Hamilton and Miranda didn't stop there — he also included a clip of Miranda performing a working version of the show's opening song at the White House in 2009. In the clip, Miranda looks different than he does now (mostly younger and with much shorter hair), but the chills I got from his voice when he sang "My name is Alexander Hamilton" were the exact same as they are every time I listen to that song. And you know what? Oliver couldn't have agreed more. "It's so fucking good! It's so good. We owe Puerto Rico for that man."
John Oliver: He's just like us! (And everyone else hopelessly obsessed with Hamilton, even though we'll never get tickets.)
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