Super Common Hair Myths Busted

When it comes to beauty, we tend to hear so many different things that it can become very overwhelming to sort through what's true and what's false. For instance, there are common hair myths that everyone believes that are just that — myths. To officially set the record straight, I got some expert insight into some inaccuracies that tend to circle around regarding hair care.
Being born with naturally fizzy, unruly, thin hair has found me spending a lot of time scouring for the right products and tactics to make my locks look their best. However, sometimes I’m still left standing in the mirror after all is said and done and saying to myself, “How could my hair still look this crazy after all of this effort?” Much of it has to do with the methods I use — most of which I found out are based on myths I’ve heard and taken as fact. I got the insider scoop from celebrity hairstylist and Women’s ROGAINE® spokesperson Jill Crosby on the truth behind some of the common hair myths we tend to hear swirling around, and boy do I feel like a new, informed woman. Hopefully these bits of expert information will guide you back in the right direction in regards to hair care, and will help you as much as they’re helping me and my wacky ‘do. Here are 11 super common hair myths that everyone believes, according to an expert.
1. Certain Products Can Repair Split Ends
You’ve probably heard something similar before: A friend tells you that a friend of theirs once used a certain product and — just like magic — their split ends were repaired and their hair looked as gorgeous and fresh as ever. The problem is, this friend of a friend story has little grounding. Sadly, split ends cannot be repaired. According to Crosby, “Once the hair is split, there is no turning back.” Crosby says the only way to “repair” a split end is to chop it off.
2. Getting A Cut Once Or Twice A Year Is Sufficient
I’ve heard it all — no need to get a haircut regularly, get it snipped once a month, rarely cut it, and instead just use the right products. Once and for all, what’s the truth? Crosby says she always recommends her clients get a trim every couple of months, saying that this helps keep the hair in its healthiest state. This means you’ll also be ridding yourself of those unwanted split ends.
3. Seeing Hair In The Shower Drain Should Be Cause For Alarm
You step out of the shower and gasp at the clump of hair in the drain. How could it be possibly that you lose this much in the shower every day? Don’t fret, according to Crosby. Crosby says, “While it may look like a lot of hair is left behind post-shampoo, it is common for women to lose 50 to 100 hair strands a day.” If you feel you’re hair loss is in this range, no need to fear.
4. Losing Big Clumps Of Hair On The Daily Is Normal
Oppositely, you might have heard you shouldn’t worry about a great deal of hair being found in your shower drain. Be mindful of that 50 to 100 strands number we just discussed. If you think you’re losing way more than that — or way more than usual — you should, in fact, take note. Crosby said, “If you notice a considerable amount of hair loss, it may be time to check with a stylist or dermatologist to ensure you are not suffering from hereditary hair loss.”
5. Hair Thinning Begins For Women In Their 40s and 50s
If you’re one to think, “I’m only in my 20s. There’s no need to think about hair thinning now,” you might want to rethink that notion. While many think of hair thinning and aging as going hand-in-hand, some of it has nothing to do with age. In fact, according to Crosby, hereditary hair loss, which is the most common form of hair loss, can be seen as early as a woman’s early 20s.
6. There's No Way To Prevent Early Signs Of Thinning Hair
The myth here goes that if you’re bound by genes to get thinning hair, there’s nothing you can do to prevent it. Great news — this is false. Our expert voice shared the recommendation she gives her clients. Crosby says, “To prevent early signs of thinning hair, I recommend Women’s ROGAINE® Foam as the first line of defense. It is the first and only FDA-approved once daily treatment for hair loss and can easily be incorporated into any styling routine.”
7. Washing Your Hair With Carbonated Water Can Reduce Frizz
For anyone who is blessed with the frizziest of frizzy hair like mine, chances are you’re always on the hunt for tricks to reduce frizz. If you’ve heard using carbonated water is an effective way to tone down the frizz, stop before you try it. Crosby says she hears this myth regularly, and there is no truth to it. In reality, a lot of frizz management is done in your hair-drying method, Crosby says, which brings us to our next myth.
8. Your Hair-Drying Method Isn’t Important In Reducing Frizz
Wrong. Crosby says, “The best way to cut down on fly always and frizz is to address your drying method. I always caution clients from using towels, the weave of the fibers can aggravate the hair. Instead, opt for an absorbent micro fiber towel, avoid any rubbing which could cause friction or damage.”
9. Set Your Hot Tools To The Highest Heat For Best Results
Want your hair to look as glamorous as could be today? Bump up that straightener to the highest heat possible. That’s completely false, too. Crosby notes that if you are planning to use a heat tool as part of your hair regime, make sure to use it on a medium or low setting for best results.
10. Salon Products Are The Only Way To Go For Restoring Shine
There are endless salon products out there that promise to enhance the look and shine of your hair — but what’s best? According to Crosby, salon products aren’t the only way to go. Actually, Crosby says, “There are so many great salon products, but for added shine, my go to product is coconut oil.”
11. You Need A Lot Of Coconut Oil To Get The Full Effects
How much coconut oil should be used for that great shine effect? I tend to use a lot based on what I’ve heard around the water cooler. According to Crosby, all you need is a little. Crosby suggests adding a tiny amount onto the ends of your hair. This will not only create a healthy shine, it’ll also help seal the hair cuticle and therefore prevent further dryness. Sounds fabulous.
Next time your cube-mate is sounding off on how you only need one haircut a year to maintain healthy hair, quash the myth right in its tracks, along with the other ones we've discussed here. By keeping some of these truths in your back pocket and implementing the right knowledge into your hair care routine, you might find your hair is looking and feeling better than ever before you know it.