13 Memes To Share On Earth Day

If you don't have any plans yet for Friday, I have some suggestions, and they include planting a tree, plucking some weeds, and sifting the recyclables out of your garbage piles. If you didn't realize that April 22 is Earth Day, now you know — and here are 13 Earth Day memes to further brand it into your brain.
Really, every day should be Earth Day; however, Friday can be a great start to a new mentality on how you live. From choosing to take public transportation over using your car to switching to chlorine and petroleum-free cleaners for your house, the ways in which we can help the planet thrive are limitless.
It's your planet, so you should care about it — and I don't mean that in an accusatory way. We should all care about it. Share a meme this Friday to help spread the word and encourage your friends to get involved. We can't necessarily undo all the harm we've done, but we can work hard to help turn things around. "Go green" is not just a hippy dippy phrase anymore, it's a crucial decision that will affect the fate of this beautiful planet and the future of those who inhabit it.
Images: MemeCenter