How To Get A Bag Of Just Pink And Red Starbursts

That collective fist-pump you just witnessed was the reaction of youngest siblings everywhere when they heard news that Starburst FaveReds bags of pink and red Starbursts are hitting shelves, meaning fans of the candy never have to put up with those pesky ~other~ flavors ever again. That's right, your favorite fruity candy is selling bags of just the pink and reds. No longer will the little brothers and sisters of the world be left with lonely yellow and orange fruit chews after the older kids eat all of their favorites, because everybody knows that the pink Starburst (strawberry) is objectively the Queen of all Starburst flavors, with the rest of the red color-saturation family close behind. *Tosses two hands full of pink Starburst into the air!*
The FaveReds fun doesn't stop at fruit chews either. You can also experience the pinked-out glory in unwrapped Mini and Jellybean formats. There are entire swaths of ye old internet that are dedicated to championing the Pink Starburst Cause. And Starburst isn't the only candy company to capitalize on people's fondness for red-related flavors. Life Savers and Mike and Ike both sell solo-packs of red flavors. So, basically, you should probably hop in the car and head directly to the store to stock up.
But before you go, check out these hilarious reactions to Starburst FaveReds from the Twitter machine. It's like a motivational playlist to get you ready for a well deserved pink-flavored candy marathon.
Pink Starburst > wedding rings
Sometimes jelly beans change the game completely.
Relationship Status: <3 Pink Starburst
OK, I think you're ready. You can go to the store now.
Image: Walmart