While most of our beloved CW shows are busy wrapping up their perspective seasons and gearing up for that nice, long summer hiatus, one new series is about to make its grand debut to The CW scene. I'm referring, of course, to the Julie Plec-helmed series Containment. Based on a Belgian television series, Cordon , Containment centers around the outbreak of a deadly virus that is quickly making its way throughout Atlanta while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention do everything within their power to keep this thing, well, contained as quickly as possible. But an infectious storyline isn't the only thing that should grab your attention. Given that Plec is also the brains behind two other very pivotal CW shows, you may find yourself wondering how Containment compares to The Vampire Diaries and The Originals ?
While it may seem hard to believe at an initial glance, these shows actually have quite a bit in common if you really think about it, which may help to solidify whether or not you decide to tune in. Sure, there may not be any smoldering vampires lying around in the middle of the streets, but that doesn't mean you won't see some very distinctive similarities between all of these CW shows. For example...
They Have The Same Creator
As I've already mentioned, Julie Plec is the executive producer of the series along with David Nutter, so that right there is a huge parallel for all three of these shows. The storyline may be different, but Plec's creative genius is common thread that will bind them together no matter what, which is definitely a good thing.
They Film In The Same Location
OK, so it's not the exact same location, but while Containment is filmed in the city of Atlanta, Georgia, TVD's Mystic Falls scenes are shot in the town of Covington, Georgia. So really, they aren't all that far away from each other. Can I hear you say crossover potential? (Just saying!)
They Share Some Of The Same Actors
Chris Wood (who plays Jake Riley) and Claudia Black (who plays Sabine Lommers) in particular should look very familiar to TVD and The Originals fans, who will undoubtedly recognize them as the evil Kai Parker and Dahlia, respectively. We may not be in supernatural terrain anymore, but these familiar faces will serve as a constant reminder of their former characters and how we came to love them in the first place.
The Viral Undertones
When you think about it, isn't vampirism in itself a type of virus? (Anyone who watched AHS: Hotel will know what I'm referring to.) So dealing with the spread of such a life-changing infection feels very in keeping with the whole vampire theme. Not to mention that whole search for "the cure," which, as you know, proved to be a very vital part of TVD's storyline not too long ago.
So while some may go into this series unfamiliar with Plec's former projects, many will recognize some vital similarities between three and perhaps even like the new show better for it. Just try your best to contain your excitement.
Images: Quantrell Colbert/The CW (2); Carin Baer/The CW; Giphy (2)