With the highly-anticipated and long-awaited Season 6 Game of Thrones premiere just around the corner, fans can't stop talking about whether Jon Snow will be resurrected. But, with all this talk of a dead character possibly being alive, Bustle decided to flip the script and ask Arya Stark actor Maisie Williams which Game of Thrones character she would kill. "Ramsay, of course. Surely we're all agreed on that," she says on the red carpet of the Tribeca Film Festival premiere of The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. And, she's right that we are all agreed. The Bolton house bastard is on many a fan's hit list after his cruel behavior towards characters like Arya's sister Sansa Stark.
It's kind of bittersweet that Williams chose Ramsay to kill, considering her fictional counterpart has no idea what's become of her sister. The pair hasn't seen each other since way back at King's Landing, though they did come close when Arya traveled to the Vale. She declined to venture further into her aunt's home, though, and thus never learned Sansa was actually there at the same time.
Arya is famous for her hot-headed, revenge-seeking attitude, and her kill list is well stacked with names she can't wait to cross off. On the show, Ramsay doesn't grace this list (yet), as Arya has no idea who he is, or how much damage he's done to her home and family. But, if she ever learns of his transgressions, he'd better watch out.
It's hard to know yet what Season 6 will bring for Arya, Sansa, or Ramsay. But, here's hoping the Stark sisters eventually do reunite, since they're the only family they have left now. And, perhaps they can both team up to slay Ramsay once and for all. I'm sure Maisie Williams would approve.
Image: HBO; giphy