Can 'House Of Cards' Be As Addictive In Season 2?

The second season of House Of Cards premieres Feb. 14, which means you best battle down the hatches and prepare yourselves to be thrust back into the political whirlwind of the Underwoods & Co. The imminent premiere means there are numerous new interviews from the illustrious cast and the show's creator making the rounds today, which means we're being granted all kinds of insight into House Of Cards Season 2, from how it'll compare to the first season to character insight that might help set the stage for when you finally sit down and watch Season 2.
Here's what Kate Mara, who plays ambitious reporter Zoe Barnes, said when GQ asked if this second season "turns up the dials":
I mean, the dials were really high in the first season. Beau Willimon has a very big imagination. And he and our writing staff, I think they really pulled through this season. Because it’s hard to top all the things that happened last season. Last year, before Season One came out, I had seen all the episodes; this year I haven’t, so I’m just as excited to watch it like anyone else. Still, I think it's just as surprising and addictive. Hopefully, we'll see.
And on what she thinks of as the most important part of her character:
[Journalist] was just her job—it could be anything. The most important aspect of Zoe that I felt I needed to understand and wrap my head around was her crazy drive and ambition. Sitting around with Beau and Fincher and Kevin, just setting the backstories—that’s where I got all of my information.
Here's what the show's creator, Beau Willimon, said to TV Guide recently in regard to whether he sees Peter Russo as the moral center of the show's first season:
It's interesting to think about Peter as a moral center. Here's a guy who's an addict, who neglects his children, who cavorts with prostitutes, who cheats on his girlfriend. It's very easy to want to bifurcate the characters on the show into those that are either likable or morally responsible and those that are not. But whenever we approach these characters, we do it from their point of view. And Francis doesn't see anything evil or wrong in what he's doing.
On what you'll get from Robin Wright's Claire Underwood this season:
If Claire Underwood is one of the reasons you liked Season 1, you'll see a lot more of her in Season 2 and learn a lot more about her. There's a core to the show, which you hold on to, but you're looking in every episode and every season for ways to expand and surprise yourself and the audience.
And on what it says that President Obama commented that he wished America's real-life politic ran more similarly to that of House Of Cards:
Washington right now is one of the most polarized governments we've had probably since the Civil War. I think a lot of people are frustrated with the gridlock regardless of what side of the aisle they're on. And there is something about a Francis Underwood, who can overcome that gridlock in order to achieve something. I actually have a lot of sympathy for our politicians in Washington, because I think all of them wish that more could be achieved than is being achieved. But the nature of politics is compromise. And when you have parties that aren't willing to compromise with each other in any way, that can prevent even the most optimistic and forward momentum types from being able to achieve what they'd like to.
Let's all just agree to be grateful Obama didn't say he wished our government ran more like the one in Scandal.
Image: Netflix