8 Foods To Eat For Clearer Skin

Want bright, healthy skin for spring and summer, but don't know where to start? Below is an epic list of foods to eat for clearer skin (and even a super yummy recipe) straight from an ingestible beauty expert! And if none of what she mentions are things you normally eat, don't get intimidated. Remember, you can just take it one food at a time until you've incorporated all of them into your diet. #Nomz.
For details on all things ingestible beauty, I reached out to Sandra Carter, MPH, Ph.D., and founder of Om Organic Mushroom Nutrition. First and foremost, she clarifies what you should ideally avoid if you want naturally clear skin. Dr. Carter tells me, "Many people know the saying 'you are what you eat.' Unhealthy, greasy, processed food can not only cause bloating and fatigue, but also a weathered complexion."
Even though candy bars and frozen pizzas aren't exactly doing your skin any favors, they can be hard (read: impossible) to quit. But don't worry — Dr. Carter provided tons of foods that can help achieve a clearer, brighter, and glowier complexion.
Whether you're a hardcore sweet tooth kind of gal or all about savory bliss, the foods below will not only satisfy your tastebuds, but also give your skin all kinds of nourishing love. What could be better than that?
1. Water
So obvious it can easily get ignored, Dr. Carter emphasized, "First, be sure to drink lots of water. This is simple and it keeps your skin hydrated so it won't look dry and dull. Water also helps flush any toxins out of your body."
She suggests keeping "a reusable bottle by your bed and on your desk as a daily reminder to drink up." #Wise
2. Superfood Blends
Beauty Matrix, $24.99, Mushroom Matrix
"Certain mushroom powder blends, such as Om Beauty, have the ability to give body the nutritional power to shine from the inside out," explains Dr. Carter. "The naturally occurring biotin, vitamin D, beta glucans, & antioxidants help stimulate cellular restoration."
3. Avocados
Like you needed another reason to eat guacamole 24/7...
Dr. Carter explains, "For clear skin, it’s best to consume foods high in antioxidants, in vitamins like E, C and A, and in minerals such as magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium and iron. These can be found in fruits such as avocado."
Of course, if avocado somehow isn't your thing (say what?!), you can still get all those vitamins and minerals from "red grapes, berries, acai, papaya and tomatoes, as well as vegetables like fennel, sweet potatoes, beetroot, kale, broccoli, and artichokes."
4. Sunflower Seeds
"Almonds, sunflower seeds and salmon are high in omega 3s," all of which contribute to smooth, supple skin.
5. Peppermint Tea
"Teas such as nettle, peppermint and green can calm the skin and provoke stronger circulation," shares Dr. Carter. Stronger circulation equals a glowing face free of dullness. Yes please.
6. Olive Oil
Dr. Carter is all about olive oil. She tells me, "Olive oil is a great youth booster. The monounsaturated fatty acids as well as the antioxidant polyphenols appease damaging free radicals, and keep skin soft and supple."
Drizzle some over your avocado toast for what is basically a mouthgasm.
7. Figs
"Figs are loaded with nutrients," explains Dr. Carter. What's more, they include a variety of antioxidants and omega fatty acids, all of which are amazing for your skin.
8. Flax
Dr. Carter says, "Flax helps for smooth, soft skin." Noted.
Remember, you don't have to eat all of these foods at once. If this list is intimidating to you, start by incorporating one that seems more approachable and go from there. Who knows — you might be a full-on fig and flax person by the end of it!
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Images: Monstruo Estudio, Nur Afni Setiyaningrum, robyn randolph/Unsplash;,; Valdemar Fishmen, U.S. Department of Agriculture/Flickr; Courtesy of Brand