
'RHONY's Avery Singer Goes To School Very Close

by Alexis Rhiannon

It's Alexis here, back for another rendition of Knowing Too Much About The Real Housewives Franchise. I have a trivia question for you — where does Ramona Singer's daughter Avery go to school? If you're like me and measure your worth in the amount of minutiae you know about reality TV stars that your friends don't, then you should definitely know this one. If you do, everyone will be really impressed, and, if you don't, they'll be really disappointed in you and slowly cut you out of their lives. (True story.) It turns out the question of where Avery Singer goes to college is kind of a tricky one, because there's a lot of information out there that points toward Emory University. And, in fact, that is where Avery initially began her higher education, in 2013, but she didn't end up staying.

As her mother Ramona shared on her Wordpress blog, Avery actually changed schools in September 2014, after her freshman year:

Avery had made a decision to transfer to the University of Virginia from Emory. While she did like Emory and cherishes the experiences she had there and the friends she made, she thought a bigger University with a very accredited business school would better suit her interests and long term goals. UVA also offered the option for a dual-major and Emory did not.

In that case, a move definitely makes sense, and, since we can see from her Twitter that Avery is a member of the sorority Delta Delta Delta, it seems like her new school is a great fit not just when it comes to academics, but also socially.

Whether she stays at UVA or ends up somewhere else that suits her better, I hope Avery Singer is getting exactly what she wanted out of college, and that her education is everything she'd hoped for.