Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Will Smith and Cara Delevingne were all on hand at the MTV Movie Awards to premiere a new clip of their upcoming movie Suicide Squad, the next movie in DC Entertainment's Cinematic Universe. And while a lot of the characters look familiar — Smith's Deadshot, Robbie's Harley Quinn, and, of course, Leto's Joker — some members of the Squad that hadn't gotten a lot of screen time in previous trailers finally made their debuts. Fans of the comics might be able to easily identify every single character shown in the new clip, but for the rest of us, it just looks like Will Smith is going to be fighting evil alongside a giant crocodile. Another mysterious character: the man covered in tattoos, who had people wondering, who is the tattoo guy in Suicide Squad ?
Well, first, he has an actual name: El Diablo. Many different men have actually adopted the name El Diablo in the history of the comics, but this one is Chato Santana, a criminal who set fire to a building while trying to get revenge on a local gang. Instead of revenge, Chato ended up killing innocent women and children, and his penchant for fire is clearly a huge element in Suicide Squad, as the clip shows him literally playing with fire in his hands.
In the film, El Diablo is played by Jay Hernandez, of Hostel and Crazy/Beautiful fame, and seems to have the power to control and create fire. Based on the clip, it looks like El Diablo doesn't play that well with others — he's seen butting heads with Deadshot and a few other Suicide Squad members. That said, the last scene of the clip features him grabbing drinks with the Squad, though, considering his pyrokinetic talents, he sticks with water.
Hey, I'd get a drink with him.
Images: Warner Bros.