6 Reasons They Should Hang Out On 'Veep'

Last night was a Veep fan's dream come true. Julia Louis-Dreyfus hung out with Joe Biden, and it was magical. Julia entered the state dinner on the arm of her father, which — I imagine — garnered a few "awwwws"s. She was then seated next to Vice President Biden at the dinner, which honored French President Francois Hollande. Both Biden and JLD seemed thrilled to be hanging out, since Julia said that it was her favorite part of the evening, and VPOTUS jokingly called her his "date." Give me a moment, I need to dust the stars from my eyes, because this is nothing short of other-worldly.
Although last night was adorable, it isn't the first time these two have hung out: JLD also visited VP Biden to do research for Veep. I can only assume that this means they are besties who snapchat each other funny faces, but at the very least, they seem to be friendly acquaintances. Since JLD and the VP get along so well, shouldn't Joe Biden make a run at a guest appearance on Veep? Here are 6 reasons why a Biden-Meyer Veep crossover would be a great idea.
6. We already know Biden is a great guest star on female-driven comedies
Remember that time Leslie Knope met the Vice President on Parks and Rec? Well, she almost had a panic attack, he was cool as ever, and we all wished for more Knope-Biden awkward encounters.
5. Selina Meyer has the same bored facial expressions as the real VPOTUS
Joe Biden looking bored at Obama's budget speech:
Selina Meyer looking bored all the time:
When he guest stars, they should definitely both have naptime during an official function. It would be too cute.
4. Scratch that, Selina Meyer and Joe Biden have ALL the same facial expressions
This is Joe giving a speech
And this is Selina:
They should trademark that side-look and head-tilt.
3. They both say some funny things
Selina Meyer and VPOTUS both have the gift of gab — often when they're not supposed to. Meyer's quips are so similar to Biden's that GQ even released a Meyer-Biden name-the-quote quiz.
2. The last time they had lunch, adorable happened
Look at this picture of the two veeps together, and ask yourself why this hasn't been on national television yet. WE NEED THIS, HBO.
1. Biden already has a Veep-style intro video
See, HBO? It's so easy, The Onion has already done it. Plus, Veep already might be the most politically accurate show on television, so it's time to confirm our suspicions and let Joe Biden appear in Season 3 this April.
Image: OfficialJLD/Twitter