'Daily Show' Tackles The NFL's Gay Hypocrisy

How do we love Jon Stewart? Let us count the ways (if you don't mind being here a few weeks). The innumerable gifts of rationality and general radacity that were bestowed upon The Daily Show host from birth make him consistently one of the most reasoned and respectable names in the art of Calling Everyone Out on Their Shit. Which is why we've brought you his latest takedown: the NFL and its supremely hypocritical and disjointed thoughts on recently outed and potentially top draft pick, Michael Sam. Get ready to bask in the beautiful and bountiful televised glow.
Sam, who told his teammates that he was gay back in August, was supported by everyone involved, keeping it respectfully quiet and personal. But not everyone has had positive things to say about the inclusion of an openly gay athlete in the league. Stewart went on to juxtapose the news with the recent, super-homophobic statements of New Orleans Saints' player Jonathan Vilma, who asked "how am I supposed to respond?" when presented with the hypothetical situation of... a gay man accidentally looking at him naked in the shower. Because, you know, gay men just want to fuck all of the dudes all the time no question, no standards, no sexual orientation preference necessary! (Ugh, the eyerolls are starting to hurt.)
Still, what made the whole thing so perfect is what followed next. After showing a snippet from a CNN newscast wherein a journalist purported that several NFL managers said that Sam's coming out would cut his prospects because his gayness would be far too controversial, what Stewart said next was so good we're not going to spoil it for you, but rather implore you to watch the whole clip in full.
Image: Comedy Central