It's happening again, everyone! Urban Decay is releasing what's sure to be one heck of a killer movie tie-in collection. This time, the brand has teamed up with Disney to release an Alice Through the Looking Glass collection, but when does Urban Decay's Alice Through The Looking Glass collection come out? So far, there's been no official announcement, but the brand did take to their Instagram on Wednesday to tease the upcoming products.
Urban Decay's collaboration with Disney shouldn't come as a huge surprise to loyal fans of the brand. In 2010, they released the Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows in connection to the original film. The collection featured stunning, colorful shadows perfectly in line with Urban Decay's reputations for highly pigmented hues. The Book of Shadows also included a primer potion and two liners making it more than simply a palette of gorgeous shadows.
While the brand does work in connection with film releases on the regular, films aren't the only collaborations that Urban Decay does. The brand's work with singer Gwen Stefani has created highly sought after products including shadows, lipsticks, and blushes. Since the release of Stefani's initial eyeshadow palette, her work the brand has only grown. Most recently, Urban Decay announced Ruby Rose as their latest celebrity ambassador, and while her role still hasn't been nailed down, there's little doubt that whatever the multi-talented actress does for the brand, it's sure to be a massive success.
Clearly, Urban Decay is no stranger to collaborative work, and that's what is so exciting about the Alice Through the Looking Glass collection. The brand seems to understand the desires of their collaborators and translate them perfectly into products. Unfortunately, there has been no word on when the Alice products will be available, but thanks to a bit of deductive reasoning, it's not hard to guess when it might happen.
The original Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows hit Urban Decay's website in late January 2010 with the film premiering only two months later in March. Alice Through the Looking Glass is set for release on May 27, 2016, meaning that whatever the collection will be, it should be released in the next two or three weeks!
The release date isn't the only thing that can be deduced, though. Thanks to Urban Decay's previous Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows and the film's promotional images, makeup lovers have a bit of a sneak peak when it comes to what could be included in the Alice Through the Looking Glass collection.
Blushes and Bronzers
Alice's beauty look the film is definitely a more natural style than the purples and blues of her costume. While the previous collection featured vibrant hues, the brand could choose to go in a different direction and release bronzers or blushes.
Vibrant, Highly Pigmented Shadows
From the Red Queen to the Mad Hatter, Alice Through the Looking Glass seems as if it will be full of vibrant colors. It makes perfect sense to launch a collection similar to the last.
Brow Box
Do you see those brows on Sacha Baron Cohen's character? They practically scream brow box, right?
The White Queen's look may be nearly completely white, but she does tend to rock a bold lip. Plus, the Red Queen is also known for her vibrant red lip. A collection of lippies is definitely not out of the question.
Regardless of whether these theories are correct, with Urban Decay's history of gorgeous collaborations, the products are sure to be brilliant. I'll just be waiting patiently until Urban decay goes into detail about their Alice Through the Looking Glass collection.
Images: Disney