See Every 'Gilmore Girls' Revival Set Photo So Far

Updates from the set of the Gilmore Girls revival are great and all, but don't you wish there were a place where you could go to find all of the pictures of the Gilmore Girls revival cast and crew without having to click through approximately a bajillion Twitter and Instagram profiles? Well, look no further, fans, because I have doggedly compiled every single picture from the Gilmore Girls revival set. All 139 of them. And doesn't that make you so happy to know that all you have to do to find out what the cast and crew (and the visitors to the set) are up to these days is click on this little link and scroll on through? I find it totally comforting.
Be be warned: This list will take you some time to get through. One doesn't just casually look at 139 photos without devoting some serious time to them. So I recommend enjoying these with a nice background music. Maybe the Gilmore Girls theme song playing on repeat? Because these pictures will make feel all sorts of feelings, like nostalgia and excitement and anxiety and bliss. (But what would an episode of Gilmore Girls be without a healthy dose of neuroses?) So, take a deep breath. Dive right in. And prepare to be taken on an emotional whirlwind looking at all of these photos.
Lauren Graham
Yanic Truesdale
Yanic Truesdale And Lauren Graham
Liza Weil
Liza Weil And Danny Strong
Nick Holmes
Nick Holmes
Jared Padalecki
Jackson Douglas
Jackson Douglas
John Cabrera
John Cabrera, Sebastian Bach, Keiko Agena, And Todd Lowe
Eric Henry, Sally Struthers, Rose Abdoo, And Sam Pancake
Lauren Graham, Eric Henry, Sally Struthers, And Rose Abdoo
Scott Patterson
Scott Patterson
Scott Patterson
Scott Patterson And Amy Sherman-Palladino
Eric Henry, Sally Struthers, Rose Abdoo, And Carole King
Carole King
Eric Henry, Sally Struthers, And Biff Yeager
Eric Henry, Sally Struthers, Rose Abdoo, And Biff Yeager
Biff Yeager And Carole King
Keiko Agena
Keiko Agena
Keiko Agena
Keiko Agena
Keiko Agena And Will Choi
Keiko Agena, Sean Gunn, And John Cabrera
Sean Gunn
Stars Hollow Decorated For The Holidays
Rose Abdoo
Rose Abdoo
Tanc Sade
Tanc Sade, Nick Holmes, Amy Sherman-Palladino, And Alan Loayza
Tanc Sade And Matt Czuchry
Alexis Bledel, Kelly Bishop, And Tanc Sade
Tanc Sade
Tanc Sade
Tanc Sade
Tanc Sade And Nick Holmes
Luke's Truck
Luke's Truck And Lorelai's Jeep
Sebastian Bach, Keiko Agena, John Cabrera, And Todd Lowe
Sebastian Bach
Stars Hollow Decorated For The Holidays
Stars Hollow At Night
A New Store In Stars Hollow
Stars Hollow's Christmas Tree
Jared Padalecki And Milo Ventimiglia
Yanic Truesdale
Jared Padalecki And Yanic Truesdale
Yanic Truesdale
Mike Gandolfi
Mike Gandolfi
Mike Gandolfi
Mike Gandolfi And Bailey De Young
Stars Hollow Decorated For Fall
Alan Loayza, Nick Holmes, Tanc Sade
Alan Loayza
Lauren Graham And Fans
Behind The Set
Stars Hollow In Fall
Aris Alvarado
Aris Alvarado
Aris Alvarado
Mitchell Gregorio
Mitchell Gregorio And Alexis Bledel
Mitchell Gregorio, Hunter Wenzel, Alexis Bledel, And Lauren Graham
Gregorio Mitchell And Michael Winters
Hunter Wenzel And Sutton Foster
Hunter Wenzel, Kelly Bishop, Michael Winters, And Sally Struthers
Hunter Wenzel, Alexis Bledel, And Lauren Graham
Sofia Olivia Jellen And Lisa Marie
The Dragonfly Inn
The Dragonfly Inn And Lorelai's House
The Stars Hollow Post Office
Downtown Stars Hollow
A Prop Being Stored
Lorelai's House
Downtown Stars Hollow
Miss Patty's School Of Ballet And Luke's Diner
Liza Weil
Posey's, Mrs. Kim's, And Stars Hollow High School
Downtown Stars Hollow
Milo Ventimiglia And Fan
Sally Struthers And Fan
Luke's Diner
Lorelai's House
A Prop Being Stored
Luke's Diner
Mark Provencher
Lauren Graham
A Prop Being Stored
Taylor's Olde Fashioned Soda Shoppe
Luke's Diner
Luke's Diner
Luke's Diner
Downtown Stars Hollow
Luke's Diner
Various Storefronts In Downtown Stars Hollow
Kim's Antiques And Lorelai's House
Stars Hollow Library
Rose Abdoo
Now excuse me while I go binge watch all seven seasons in order to funnel all of this pent-up Gilmore Girls energy into something productive.
Image: Warner Bros. Pictures