Watch Phelps Prep For The Olympics In This Rad Ad

In a new television spot for activewear company Under Armour, billion-time gold medalist Michael Phelps preps for his final trip to the Olympics. He swims! He carbo-loads! He sleeps in a tube! He lifts his legs while hanging from a pull-up bar! He swims some more! He remains completely still during a cupping therapy session! As if this Rio de Janeiro training montage wasn’t enough to get me all sorts of psyched for this summer’s games, the commercial threw in a tune that's so good, it deserves a gold medal of its very own. The song in the Under Armour ad where Phelps prepares to say his last goodbye to the Olympics is “The Last Goodbye” by the Kills, the indie rock duo of Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince. This record was the fourth single off of the band's 2011 full length album Blood Pressures.
Unlike a lot of the other hits by the Kills, there’s nary a crunchy guitar riff to be found on “The Last Goodbye.” The track is an enchanting, pulsating, dream-like ballad that would not be out of place in a ‘40s nightclub. What do you pair with a lovely song like "The Last Goodbye"? How about a lovely music video that was directed by actress Samantha Morton?
Ugh I am so stoked for the 2016 Games. Can it be summer already?
Image: Under Armour/YouTube