16 Bookmarks That Will Get You To Stop Dog-Earring
When I'm reading a book, I've been known to stick anything I see around me in the pages as a bookmark — a crumpled coffee receipt from the bottom of my tote bag, the pen I was using to take notes, the cord of my iPhone charger that happens to be plugged in next to me, or, at my most desperate, a wine-stained coaster from the coffee table on which I was resting my feet. That's because I, like a lot of book nerds, hold by the cardinal rule of reading and borrowing books: Never dog-ear the pages. But don't be like me; find some adorable bookmarks to hold your pages instead.
For those of you wonderful people blessed with the gene for do-it-yourself skills, there are plenty of cool ideas for DIY bookmarks to hold your place in style. But for the rest of us who live by stick figures and paying someone, luckily, plenty of talented people and designers have created adorable bookmarks for us to purchase and use.
Whether your go-to book theme is animals and nature or planets and spaceships, you can find a bookmark to match (and I'm all about matching a bookmark to your book theme). These 16 adorable bookmarks will help you find your place in your book, and they'll do it with flair.
1. Sprout Bookmark
For people like me who can never seem to keep plants alive, this adorable bookmark is like a personal teeny garden that gets a home in your favorite thing ever: books. Plus, you can use a bunch of them in books like The Secret Garden or Leaves of Grass to mark passages and it will look like the book's content just materialized into the real world, Jumanji-style.
Sprout Bookmark, Mochi Things, $10.95
2. City Skyline Sticker Bookmarks
Bring New York City to life (even including King Kong) while tagging pages Gossip Girl or Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann or Why We Came to the City by Kristopher Jansma. Bonus: There are also series of sticker bookmarks for Tokyo, London, Hong Kong, and even Mars, which if you aren't already using in The Martian, you are seriously missing out.
sticky page markers , Duncan Shotton Design Studio, £3.95 each
3. Hippo Bookmark
This hippo is just chilling, swimming along, minding his own business, protecting your page where you feel asleep.
Hippomark Hippo Bookmark by Peleg Design,, $11.95
4. Pointing Finger Bookmark
If you're like me and end up re-reading entire pages trying to find where you left off, this finger point is a godsend. It marks the exact word you were on when your eyes started to get blurry and your tiredness took over.
Silicone finger bookmark, Schnuffelinis/, $2.90
5. Disney Princess Bookmarks
With so many fairy tale re-tellings on the bookshelves these days, these Disney princess magnetic bookmarks — featuring Snow White, Ariel, Cinderella, Merida, Belle, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan, Anna, Elsa, Rapunzel, and Tiana — are practically required.
Set of Four/Five Mini Princess Magnetic Bookmarks, The Sticker Alley/, $6.20+
6. Bloody Bookmark
Sure, you could argue that blood isn't exactly an "adorable" bookmark, but put it on your copy of Carrie and just see how much you love it. And if it makes you queasy, this bookmark also comes in white for your wintry, snow-filled books.
Kyouei Design - Liquid Bookmark,, 18.00 €
7. Crochet Flower Bookmark
You'll definitely accept this rose, particularly if you need to mind your page in a swoony romance with a dashing hero.
Crochet bookmark, EverythingGlitzy/, $5
8. Zipper Bookmark
Befuddle your friends with this zipper bookmark that makes it look like your book holds more secrets than just the story in its pages.
Peleg Design Zipmark Bookmark,, $6.70
9. Lamplight Bookmark
So the light doesn't actually work, but it will shine a faux light on exactly where you left off, and plus, it looks positively incredible on your desk.
Lightmark Reading Bookmark - Peleg Design,, $8.40
10. Character Legs Bookmarks
Olena Mysnyk's leg bookmarks are perfection, and IMHO the Wicked Witch of the East's legs, as if they are sticking out from under Dorothy's house are the tops. But you can also find Hobbit feet, Alice's legs, ballerina shoes, and so much more in her awesome shop.
Wicked Witch bookmark, MyBookmark/, $25
11. Teabag Bookmark
There's a no more perfect companion for a good book than a cup of tea, so by default, there is no better bookmark than a teabag.
Felt teabag bookmark, ovejitabe/, $7
12. Monster Bite Bookmark
I can't even think of something more adorable than a googly-eyed monster eating the corner of your pages.
Monster Bookmark, EastCoastApplique/, $4
13. Taco Magnetic Bookmarks
"Lets taco bout it" is the most adorable saying ever and now I want it on my gravestone. Can't you just imaging handing these out to your book club?
Magnetic Bookmarks - Taco, Chapters Indigo, $4.50
14. Cassette Tape Bookmark
It's not required that you read High Fidelity or Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist while you use this bookmark, but it will make it so much better.
Retro Vintage Magnetic Bookmarks With Radio Cassette Tape Shape (3-pc),, $7.99
15. Modes of Transportation Bookmarks
Pretend the book's characters are riding from one page to another on an airplane, in a car, on a boat, or on a school bus with these teeny, adorable transportation-themed bookmarks. If these aren't your jam, Iconic also has the same style in cats, farm animals, and other themes.
Iconic Mini Steel Bookmarks - TRANSPORT (Set of 5), $5.95
16. Spaghetti Fork Bookmark
If you don't want this bookmark desperately then it's like I don't even know who you are anymore.
Pasta Bookmark, MochiThings, $9.95