5 New Snapchat Update Hacks To Bug Friends With

In case you haven't tinkered with the new Snapchat update yet, I have excellent news — turns out that there are plenty of new Snapchat update hacks that can really help make the app experience that much better. And I could not be more excited about this if I tried. I know what some of you are saying — A new update? What was wrong with the old version? To that I say, Rome wasn't built in a day, and if an app wants to better your experience, why push back against it? So before you pass any kind of judgment I would suggest updating your Snapchat app and giving it a whirl. I've already found some great uses!
Firstly, you can now use a feature that would allow you to video call your followers. I foresee this being used by every YouTube makeup guru and current day celebrity. Personally, I'm still waiting for Michael Che to accept my request on there. A girl can dream, right? Second, you are now able to send stickers! Finally! I was so tired of sending the same "Cool Smily Wearing Sunglasses" to every person in my contact list. Now I have so many more options to choose from. Basically, this is my new obsession ever since trying the Face Swap feature a few weeks back.
So what exactly can you use this new Snapchat feature for? Well, lucky for you, I went out of my way to figure this stuff out for you! Now all you have to do is learn from my actions and basically rule the internet. Spoiler Alert: I tend to always do articles involving pictures on days where I have no makeup on and look like a gremlin that was fed after midnight. I call it "my everyday look". It might not be me at my best, but it sure is me at my funniest. Enjoy!
Leave Weird Messages For Them To Figure Out Later
I give no context for most of my texts and calls so this shouldn't be to much of a shocker for my friend. On the other hand, I did also send a wonderful sticker to let her know I was peeved that she didn't pick up my call. Friendships are built on communication.
If you are looking to mic drop with a sticker too, head to the new smiley face button on the right side of the private chat window — stickers galore, for every kind of sass!
Bother Someone At Work
Most of the people in your life are busy or at work. Ignore that aspect of their lives and call them anyway. They might have just closed a deal or just wanted to catch up — instead you can appear in a towel and make silly faces at them. Again, totally worth the update. Just clock the little camera icon and go!
The new features will let you accept, ignore or just watch the call. Meaning, if you are in a towel and your friend calls, you can always opt to just watch them do their thing while you get ready. The best part of the above conversation was that it erased itself, making it a very convenient way of being silly for a short period of time.
Lets Talk About Stickers
One of the new features that Snapchat offers is the ability to send stickers. All you have to do is type in a word you are thinking about and a list of options will drop down for you to use. I chose to try this out with the word "bacon". Lucky for me, I got this as an option. You just have to hit the smiling face icon.
Voice Notes That Can Haunt Dreams
The feature also allows you to send entire voice notes to your friends. I've been using it to send my best friend random songs I've made up to gage her reaction to my voice. If you want to do the same, press down on the image of the telephone — but be warned, it will automatically start recording, and anything that gets recorded sends no matter what once you take your thumb off of it! (The fact that they can disappear makes me really happy.)
My Favorite Feature
Sometimes I forget to send a snap. Instead I take a picture like the cavemen used to do. Then a day later I want to send it to my friend again but there is no way of capturing that moment again. NOW THAT IS NO LONGER A PROBLEM. I can send a picture from my phone's gallery and even add text to it. All I have to do is select the gallery icon and then click "edit". The rest is snap-history.
Images: filadendron/E+/Getty Images; Dasha Fayvinova/Snapchat