5 National Doctors' Day Memes Your MD Will Love

Admit it, you don't like going for a checkup, or even making an appointment when you're feeling achy. Well, March 30 is National Doctors' Day, and it's the perfect opportunity to publicly show our appreciation for the people who get us healthy as much as we celebrate when we're feeling great!
If anyone knows the value of a doctor lately, it's this girl. I've had the misfortune of coming down with bronchitis three — yes, three — times in the past five months, in addition to contracting the flu on my birthday and strep throat two weeks later. While the karmic fairness of my recent medical challenges remains up for debate, there's one thing I'm certain of: if I didn't have an awesome healthcare professional to turn to each time, I would have been in pain and misery a lot longer than I needed to be.
Whether you're visiting an urgent care center or the trusted pediatrician you've known your whole life, the doctors we turn to in times of medical crises deserve a round of applause. Thanks to a collaboration between and, we have some clever, topical doctor memes to share with the Internet today to do just that. Spread these memes, say thanks to the MDs in your life, and stay healthy, would you?
And for having such warm hands. No joke. It's seriously a qualifying factor. That and how great the exam room's ceiling mural is. Very important.
It's a universal truth: Sick days are not for being ill. How awful would it be to have all that free time but not be able to take advantage of it? Ugh. Pizza and wine > decongestants and ibuprofen.
We all do this, and our MDs hate us for it. Whatever you do, don't Google your symptoms. It's cancer now. You gave yourself cancer. There's a reason Dr. Gideon has a diploma on his wall — trust him.
White Coat Syndrome begins at a young age. Thankfully, your pediatrician knows just how to handle your kid's neuroses... and yours. We all get lollipops after the exam, right?
Ah, what a serum can do for your outlook on life. Aging happens to everyone, but, thanks to your dermo, there's no need to admit that it's happening to you today.