Monday night marks the only DC crossover event that matters right now, in my humble opinion. Barry Allen will meet Kara Zor-El on Supergirl and I couldn't be more excited about the doors this is opening up, and not just between alternate universes. Does this mean that we'll eventually see Supergirl on The Flash, Arrow, or even Legends of Tomorrow?
I mean, if for nothing else, I need a scene in which Cisco Ramon comes face to face with an actual alien. While it would certainly be funny to see someone as bright and bubbly as Kara share scenes with Oliver Queen (and former Superman Brandon Routh needs to appear as Ray Palmer at some point), it would make the most sense for her to visit her friend Barry and the team at S.T.A.R. Labs. So, is that possible?
"We would love that," said Flash and Supergirl executive producer Greg Berlanti in an interview with Collider, "just like we loved this and are excited by this. We want to wait and see the audience reaction to something like this, but just as storytellers and fans, and fans of the actors, we love it when we can figure out a way, creatively, to do it. Hopefully, everybody enjoys it."
Now that Barry Allen has arrived, it will be pseudo-scientifically possible as well. You wouldn't normally find someone on Supergirl who is trying to breach universes, but they're going to have to get Barry home somehow. Once they figure it out, Kara could use that technology on herself for a mission/vacation. If that's confusing, I'll let Barry explain it himself in this clip.
That's already the most joyful two minutes I've ever seen. I have a feeling that the fan response to this episode is going to be positive, don't you? While it's unconfirmed, I think it's safe to say that we will eventually see Kara on The Flash. It may not be this season, but the stars are willing to align, at the very least.
Image: Robert Voets/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.