You Need To See This Photo Of The Easter Bunny
Monday morning marks the White House Easter Egg Roll, a cheerful 138-year-old event in which thousands of children roam freely around the White House's South Lawn. There, they get to enjoy chocolate and sports with the president and first lady, plus story time and the annual egg roll. I know, I know — you hear "egg roll" and think longingly of Chinese takeout. But the Easter Egg Roll actually involves little kids rolling dyed hard-boiled eggs down the hill outside the White House. The hands-down greatest part of this year's Easter Egg Roll, however, is a photo that White House photographer Pete Souza took of the Easter Bunny sitting gloomily under Alexander Hamilton's portrait.
Ironically, the theme of this year's Easter Egg Roll is "Let's Celebrate!" — a nod to 2016 being Obama's last year in office. However, Souza's photograph of the Easter Bunny, who sits moodily, legs crossed, heavy-lidded, hands folded, underneath the portrait of Hamilton, is anything but celebratory. "What do you mean, celebrate?" the Bunny appears to be thinking to itself. "What if I'm doing this for Donald goddamn Trump next year?!"
The Easter Bunny appears to be waiting for the morning's events to kick off, but in the most despondent way possible. You knew that Easter Bunnies could be creepy as hell, but until today, you didn't know they could carry the weight of the world (ahem, Donald Trump) on their shoulders. Until today.