New 'Legends' Footage Raises Questions About Sara

I wish it weren't the truth, but when I am particularly invested in a show, I need spoilers to function. That said, you can imagine that I am always jazzed when a series' extended trailer comes out. For instance, the newest sizzler reel for Legends of Tomorrow was released over the weekend, and it looks to be quite a ride for the entire cast, especially Sara Lance. And not only does the trailer give fans some VIP Sara info, it appears to encompass multiple episodes as well. *Rubs hands together in excitement*
Legends of Tomorrow is a show with an exceedingly large cast, and the sizzler reel does its part in touching on each character's remaining arc. But it's what it shows of Sara's journey that stands out the most. You see, not only does the reel show the legend in her Nanda Parbat habitat, it has her back in Starling City. Yes, you read that right — not Star City, but Starling. Meaning that fans get to see a more innocent Sara Lance, someone who was yet to take the tragic Gambit trip with Oliver Queen, and subsequently, a whole lot less jaded Captain Lance, as well.
But what has Sara back in time and back in Nanda Parbat even though the League of Assassins went kaput on Arrow? Well, firstly, you should know that Nyssa al Ghul, Sara's "beloved," makes a quick yet meaningful appearance in the trailer. But it appears that Sara's main business is initially with Nyssa's father, Ra's al Ghul, and a little girl named Talia (who seems to be Talia al Ghul, another one of Ra's al Ghul's daughters from the comics). The interesting thing here is that he tells the young girl to take note of Sara's skills, making me think she perhaps becomes her mentor. I have to say, I can't blame Ra's — if there's anyone to learn to be a badass from, it's gotta be Sara.
With the Nanda Parbat shenanigans out of the way, the reasoning for younger Sara's reemergence is that there's an order out to kill the Legends before they were legends. Basically, to murder them while they're still defenseless, which is so not cool. You can check this out, and so much more, in the sizzler reel above, and side note: on the topic of badasses, there's also a Felicity Smoak appearance. Hell yeah.
Image: The CW Television Network/YouTube