Heartbreaking news in the world of comedy television broke on Thursday when TMZ reported that Garry Shandling died at 66. According to TMZ, sources say that The Larry Sanders Show star reportedly died of a massive heart attack unexpectedly. Bustle reached out to Shandling's rep for comment, but has not yet heard back. A look back at Shandling's last tweet reveals a lot about the comedian. In the photo retweeted on Sunday, he's posing alongside Kathy Griffin and Bob Odenkirk. The tweet shows just how well-connected the actor was in Hollywood, especially among his fellow comedians.
Over the course of his career, Shandling created a lasting impact in comedy TV. This is especially true of his HBO series The Larry Sanders Show, which earned three Emmys and 56 nominations. Not only did he write, direct, and executive produce, but Shandling starred alongside Jeffrey Tambor and Rip Torn. Besides his hit sitcom, Shandling made plenty of cameos on other shows, including The Ben Stiller Show , which also featured Odenkirk (the Better Call Saul actor, who's in the aforementioned Twitter photo).
Further proving the enormity of Shandling's network, a closer look at his Twitter account shows he frequently retweets and mentions directors, like Judd Apatow and Adam McKay. Back in January, Shandling appeared on Jerry Seinfeld's web series "Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee." At the time, Seinfeld tweeted that they had been friends for 36 years. As these examples show, he's not only a comedic legend himself, but his close friends include some of the industry's best.
With such an impactful career, there's no denying that he left behind quite a legacy and this is a devastating loss.