15 DIY Books to Inspire Your Next Crafting Project

When I'm not intrepidly navigating the world of literature in order to share with you my pearls of literary wisdom, I'm usually crafting in some way. Everyone needs a relaxing hobby, and I happen to particularly love to knit and cross stitch. When you're done crafting something super enjoyable, you get the wonderful added bonus of actually being able to keep the result. How cool is that? I can proudly wear a scarf, use a blanket, or show a cross stitch to people. DIY has become a huge movement, and I am very jazzed about it.
However, let's be honest. Knitting? Grandma's do that. Of course, the tide is changing and younger people are learning to love to craft. Knitting patterns are slowly turning with the tide, but how long will that take? Will I be knitting the same pair of mittens forever? Of course not! As the trend grows, so are the many craft books that support it. In order to boost your inspiration, I've compiled a list of 15 quirky crafting books that will definitely get you in the mood for something fun. From geeky to cute to literary, these books contain everything you need to get inspired. Don't forget to share your finished projects on Pinterest!
1. Creepy Cute Crochet by Christen Haden
It's about more than just granny squares and scarves. In this adorable book, you can crochet robots, aliens, vampires, knights, and grim reapers. An excellent gift, this book might not be for beginners, but the cuteness of the little stuffed animals can't be beat!
2. Sew Kawaii! by Choly Knight
Maybe you're like me and you simply can't wrap your mind around crocheting. Or maybe you just don't like knitting. Luckily for you, Sew Kawaii! exists. These insanely adorable sewing projects only require a needle, thread, fabric, and a determination to make the cutest thing in the entire world. Hats, scarves, pillows — nothing is safe from the cuteness overload!
3. Boho Chic Jewelry by Laura Beth Love
When you need a break from the cuteness and want to make something awesome that you can wear proudly, turn to Boho Chic Jewelry. Jewelry making sounds like it might be difficult, but this book makes it easy. Do you want to be able to say that you made the You-Crack-Me-Up-Teacup Bracelet you're wearing? How about a Bohemian Remnants Necklace? Trust me, you'll look fabulous.
4. Steampunk Softies by Sarah Skaete and Nicola Tedman
Steampunk has taken both the literary and craft world by storm — with good reason. There's something utterly delightful about putting gears on things that shouldn't have gears, and Steampunk Softies takes that to the next level. These little steampunk people are made using a combination of every day household materials — such as keys and watch parts — and soft fabrics. The result? Something wonderfully unique.
5. Sticky Fingers by Sophie Maletsky
Crafting doesn't always have to include yarn, thread, and jewelry pliers. In Sticky Fingers, you use multicolored duct tape to create truly neat items. From wallets to bracelets to messenger bags, the possibilities are endless. Who knows? Maybe you can craft the tape into clothing!
6. World of Geekcraft by Susan Beal
Can decide on a specific crafting technique but love to make some geeky stuff? Quilting, beading, needle felting, and embroidery are just some of the crafts touched on in this awesome book that focuses on a wide range of geekery including Star Trek, Star Wars, and various video games.
7. Knits for Nerds by Joan of Dark (a.k.a. Toni Carr)
Knits for Nerds is the holy grail for that very special type of knitter who loves geeky things. Seriously, you can knit anything from Princess Leia bun earmuffs to Uhura's mini dress.
8. Twisted Stitches by Phil Davison
Are you a cross stitching fan who simply can't seem to get excited about all the flowers and puppies that comprise most cross stitching patterns? With Twisted Sitches, you can learn to stitch "Game Over" onto a laptop cover, a flasher Santa Clause for holiday cheer, or road kill bunny keychains. These 30 patterns are as awesome as they are disturbing.
9. Anticraft by Renee Rigdon
For those who are a bit cynical about the bright and shiny world of crafting, Anticraft exists just for you. Knit up some snake thigh-highs or patch together a duct-tape corset. These crafts will give you all the satisfaction of crafting without any of the sugar.
10. Charmed Knits by Alison Hansel
Harry Potter knitting fans...rejoice! Much like Molly knitted for her children every Christmas, you too can knit special Harry Potter themed items for your loved ones and also yourself. Inspired by characters and places, you may not be able to use magic to knit, but your finished projects will be magical.
11. Doodle Stitching by Aimee Ray
Embroidery-lovers will love these doodle-inspired embroidery patterns for beginners. They're fresh, trendy designs that you don't need to be an embroidery genius to accomplish.
12. Zodiac Felties by Sarah Skaete and Nicola Tedman
How adorable is this? Felties are little creatures made out of felt, and if you're a gigantic fan of astrology, this is definitely the crafting project for you. This book has 12 super cute felt creatures based on your zodiac sign with a bonus extra four patterns for planets. These little guys make adorable ornaments or special little birthday gifts.
13. Big Little Felt Universe by Jeanette Lim
Imagine making an entire banquet of felt food, topped off with a felt birthday cake featuring removable candles. Imagine a little felt knife to "slice" the cake. Imagine an entire felt universe. That's a beautiful thing.
14. AmiguruME by Allison Hoffman
Ever feel like making little dolls of your friends and playing out adorable fan fiction-inspired plays with them? Even if you aren't a creep like me, AmiguruME is an adorable people-making craft book that gives you the tools to construct truly unique toys and gifts.
15. Everything Alice: The Wonderland Book of Makes and Bakes by Hannah Read-Baldrey and Christine Leech
Alice in Wonderland is a book that truly begs to be crafted. In Everything Alice, you'll find 50 projects that range from sewing to baking, all based around Alice in Wonderland. Craft yourself some party invitations that double as tea sets or sew a polka dot frilly apron. If you love Alice, you'll love these crafts.
Image: Paul Smiths/Unsplash