One of the most exciting porn developments in recent years has been virtual reality porn— 360 degree immersive porn, where you feel like a participant, seems to be a goddamn blast for everyone who has tried it. And now it's going to be way easier to try — way easer. Pornhub has just announced a partnership with BaDionkVR (the company who brought VR porn to people on the street), making it the first free adult website to feature 360-degree adult content, according to a press release. Plus, they've announced it with a funny informercial-style video, because as my British girlfriend has recently discovered, American informercials make everything better.
Even more exciting, to celebrate they're giving away 10,000 pairs of virtual reality goggles. Which is amazing, because although VR goggles are getting more common and more affordable, the price has been prohibitive for some people who want to try VR, but can't afford to try it. The content will also be available with most VR headsets. The idea seems to be to get VR porn out there to as many people as possible and putting it on the premier site for adult entertainment is definitely a great way to do that.
Pornhub VP Corey Price says:
At Pornhub it is our duty to provide our global audience with the latest in cutting edge technology. Virtual reality is the next phase in the constantly metamorphosing world of adult entertainment, and will provide users with a mesmeric experience unlike anything they’ve seen before. Now, our users are not only able to view our content, but be protagonists in the experience and interact with their favorite porn stars...
Which is interesting, not only because of its message, but also for being the first time the words "duty", "metamorphosing", "mesmeric", and "protagonist" have ever been used to describe porn, and not a Tom Clancy novel. Apparently, this is the kind of porn that will make you proud that your grandfather fought in the second world war.
But seriously, it's super cool. We've all been excited about the existence of virtual porn, but accessibility has been an issue. The video is work checking out (it's kinda NSFW unless your work likes funny boners). It basically shows you all the times you'll definitely, definitely want to watch VR porn.
How to make a boring office meeting better? (You can tell how few meetings I go to by the fact that I think they're called "office meetings".) Add some porn goggles and get awkward boners with your coworkers!
Santa loves it too — and it's nothing against Mrs. Clause, it's a stress-relief thing.
Make parties extra special with an old man experiencing a blow job while a crowd of bros watch! That man is all of your grandpas. Think about that.
SO MANY VIDEO OPTIONS. And the fact that I never came up with "vacuum creamer" pun myself will be a source of embarrassment until they day I die.
The video is obviously making fun of itself, which makes me love the idea even more. It's honesty just a really cool thing that's happening. VR porn is becoming more and more mainstream, and having it available on Pornhub is a massive leap in that direction. Check out the page, try to get one of the 10,000 goggles, and give it a go.
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Images: Fotolia; Pornhub/YouTube