JoJo's 'Bachelorette' Season Needs These Things

I used to be all about making predictions for Ben Higgins' season of The Bachelor, but now that it's over, my thoughts are all focused on The Bachelorette. On After The Final Rose, Chris Harrison announced that JoJo Fletcher is our next Bachelorette, and although Kaitlyn Bristowe is going to be tough to follow, I have a feeling JoJo is up for the challenge. After seeing her completely blindsided when Ben chose to propose to Lauren Bushnell instead of her, it's easy to root for JoJo to find the love she's been looking for. And now that she has the chance to find it in front of the entire country, there are certain things we can expect to see on what most contestants would call her "incredible journey."
Of course, the regular Bachelor conventions will be there: our trusty host, the weekly rose ceremonies, nights spent in the hot tub, the ridiculously unrealistic dates featuring helicopters and hot air balloons. But with JoJo at the helm this season there are other things that are definitely going to happen, too, and I can't wait to see how it all plays out.
Here's what I hope to see this season on The Bachelorette. JoJo, don't let me down!
1. A Reappearance From Chad
Remember the time her ex, Chad, sent flowers before hometown dates? For some reason, I have a feeling there's a chance he's not done trying to win JoJo back. Drama for her, entertainment for us. Everybody wins, right? Well, not really, but kind of.
2. Contestants From Other Seasons
And as much as I would love for him to come back again, unfortunately, I'm not talking about Nick Viall, because he's already mentioned that he's not coming back for this one. But since returning contestants has become a theme — it happened on Kaitlyn Bristowe's season of The Bachelorette with Nick, and on Ben Higgins' Bachelor season with Becca Tilley and Amber James — don't be surprised if ABC decides to make this a tradition. (Plus, we know a certain someone is interested.)
3. The Competition Will Be Fierce
I mean, it's always fierce, but since the fan reception to JoJo's Bachelorette announcement was so positive, I have a feeling the guys will like her just as much.
4. The Birth Of A Ridiculously Cute Friendship With Chris Harrison
Basically every lead loves him, but I think JoJo and Chris will be especially close. Did you see how adorable they were at After The Final Rose?! I think they're well on their way to becoming BFFs.
5. No Holding Back
Even though she had a little trouble opening up to Ben in the beginning, once she was finally able to open up, she gave herself over completely to the process. Even though JoJo's been hurt very publicly (and recently), I don't think that will keep her from believing that her fiancé is in the room when she meets those guys on night one. And since she was so blindsided by Ben, I'm assuming she'll do whatever it takes to avoid that happening again, whether it's to her or one of her guys.
6. Scenes With Her Amazing Mom
In fact, if her mom wants to just co-host with Chris, I wouldn't hate it. I'll buy the champagne.
7. Drama With Her Brothers
If JoJo's protective brothers weren't happy with JoJo falling in love with one man in a matter of weeks, I can't see how they're going to agree with her doing the same thing all over again but with multiple men over the same amount of time, despite the fact that she's now in the driver's seat. Those final dates back to JoJo's town where her final guys meet the family should be fun!
8. An Appearance From Becca Tilley
They quickly became BFFs during The Bachelor, so hopefully, Becca will be back again to show her support for JoJo. Maybe during a group date? It would be cute!
9. Flawless Cocktail Ceremony Dresses
Let's be real: JoJo's dresses were consistently the best all season long. And now that she's the star, I only expect they'll be even better, and I can't wait to see.
Ugh, is it May 23 yet? I'm ready to see this season of The Bachelorette in action. In the meantime, I'll be glued to Twitter, waiting for spoiler updates.
For more Bachelor, check out Bustle's Will You Accept This Podcast? below:
Image: Rick Rowell/ABC (2); Matt Dunn/ABC; Giphy (5); bachelorabc/Tumblr