'The Lego Movie' Is Chock Full of Famous Voices: Here's Your Necessary Guide
As you've probably heard, The Lego Moviecame out Friday and it's basically the best movie of all time. It's already received tons of pun-riddled praise for its humor, visuals, story and everything else it contains. As popular as the movie already is, though, it's still animated and so the cast isn't getting as much attention as you might think — especially considering it's made up of huge stars.
We've assembled a guide to all of the famous voices you'll hear in The Lego Movie, so you don't have to spend all 100 minutes trying to figure out where you know them from.
Images: Lego, Warner Bros.
The Lego Movie’s main character is Emmet, a construction worker who is (wrongly) thought to be the Special, basically the fulfillment of a prophecy who can save the Lego universe.
Chris Pratt
The Lego Movie is just the start of Pratt’s leading man career. The Parks & Rec star is leading Marvel’s new superhero team in Guardians of the Galaxy and will star in next year’s Jurassic World.
Wyldstyle is Emmet’s ass-kicking, not exactly sidekick, more of a guide. She’s helping him on his mission to save the universe but seems to do a lot of the work. Let’s go with guide/enforcer. A guide/enforcer with awesome hair.
Elizabeth Banks
That’s Banks you hear as Wyldstyle comes to get Emmet out of some tough spots. She kind of has some voice experience, her character in Pitch Perfect is the announcer after all, a role she’ll likely reprise in the sequel that she is directing, due out next year.
There are a few DC Comics characters in The Lego Movie, but Batman seems to be the biggest character. His voice is a deep, Bale-style Batman voice, but one you should still recognize.
Will Arnett
Yes, G.O.B. Bluth is Batman. This is one of The Lego Movie’s most brilliant casting moves, because Arnett was born to voice Batman.
President/Lord Business
The big Lego villain is Lord Business, an alter-ego of President Business, an important CEO in the Lego universe. However he wants to destroy that very universe, specifically on Taco Tuesday.
Will Ferrell
Don’t be surprised is the mega-villain delivers some of the movie’s best jokes. That’s the risk of casting Ferrell as Lord Business’s voice.
Vitruvius is one of the Master Builders, an elite group of Lego, duh, builders. Despite not being a character from pop culture, like fellow Master Builder Batman, Vitruvius is pretty recognizable as the Gandalf-looking one in a silver sparkly robe.
Morgan Freeman
Hopefully you’d be able to recognize Vitruvius’s voice on your own, since it’s one of the most recognizable, beloved voices in the world—Freeman. The man managed to turn a movie about penguin migration into a hit with that voice.
Benny is one of Emmet’s friends, a spaceman who doesn’t get enough oxygen thanks to the crack in his helmet. He doesn’t seem too upset about it though.
Charlie Day
You might recognize Benny’s voice if he does some high-pitched yelling, and if you watch It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. In that case, Day is pretty easy to spot—er, hear.
Bad Cop/Good Cop
This is a police officer with a split personality, thanks to his swiveling, two-faced head. As a testament to The Lego Movie’s cleverness, one head is Good Cop, the other Bad Cop.
Liam Neeson
Even more clever, making Neeson the cop voice. We’ve all heard him be a bad cop before, but his take on good cop should be interesting. Fingers crossed for a Taken reference.
Wonder Woman
Another DC superhero Master Builder, and no, she’s not voiced by the next movie Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot.
Cobie Smulders
Looks like Smulders is cheating on Marvel with DC. The How I Met Your Mother star who played Agent Maria Hill in Marvel’s The Avengers now voices DC’s Wonder Woman. Don’t tell Stan Lee.
Only in The Lego Movie can there be a robot pirate who looks more like a Transformer.
Nick Offerman
Every Parks and Rec fan will just be waiting to hear Metalbeard say something about breakfast food. Hopefully, Offerman will come through for us.
Another DC Master Builder, at least Superman fans can see him as a Lego if they aren’t exactly excited for Batman vs. Superman anymore.
Channing Tatum
It’s really a crime to have Tatum as a voice-only actor. What’s the point if we can’t look at him?
Abraham Lincoln
Superheroes aren’t the only recognizable characters in The Lego Movie, there’s at least one historical figure. Way to go Lego, give kids a history lesson while entertaining them.
Will Forte
The former Saturday Night Live star is great at impressions, but he’s got some convincing to do this time. At least for the adults, most kids will probably be too distracted by superheroes to care about Lincoln.
William Shakespeare
A historical figure even less likely to be recognized by kids, with an even more surprising voice actor behind him. Trust me, you will never guess this one.
Jorma Taccone
If you recognize Shakespeare’s voice, it’s probably because you’ve heard him sing “I’m On a Boat,” “I Just Had Sex,” or some other Lonely Island song. Yes, he was also on Girls, but Taccone will always be known as one third of The Lonely Island to us.
The oh-so-creatively names Unikitty is a cross between a unicorn and a kitten. Surprisingly, she’s Wyldstyle’s friend.
Alison Brie
The utterly adorable Unikitty is voiced by the even more adorable Brie of Community. Troy and Abed probably gave her a Lego crash course in preparation for the role.
Green Lantern
Thanks to Ryan Reynolds and the rest of the 2011 Green Lantern disaster, this will likely be The Lego Movie’s least popular character.
Jonah Hill
Already a two-time Oscar nominee and apparent BFF of Leonardo DiCaprio, Hill can now say he technically played a superhero.
Joining the superheroes and real-life historical figures is Lando, a popular character from the original Star Wars trilogy.
Billy Dee Williams
The actual Lando is voicing Lando. Williams played him in Star Wars, so why not play him as a Lego? This is the only casting choice that is even better than Will Arnett as Batman.
Yes, there is a Shaq Lego in the movie. No wonder it’s getting such great reviews.
Like Lando but even better, Lego Shaq will be voiced by the real Shaquille O’Neal. Seriously, go see this movie.
Dave Franco as Wally
James Franco’s rising star of a younger brother is featured in The Lego Movie as Wally, but there are no photos of his (probably small) character yet. Just remember that Wally is the hot one from 21 Jump Street.
Jake Johnson as Barry
The same goes for Johnson’s character Barry, so when you see him, think Nick from New Girl.
Keegan-Michael Key as Foreman Jim
And yet another new character who wasn’t major enough to warrant advanced promotion. But when you meet Foreman Jim, he’s the Key half of Key & Peele.