Celebs Reading Mean Tweets Now With Bearded Hamm!

If you haven't yet realized you need to stop writing mean tweets about celebrities, then you probably still haven't seen one of Jimmy Kimmel's best segments. Jimmy Kimmel Live 's newest installment of Mean Tweets aired last night. This is the sixth time the show has had celebrities stop by to read mean tweets written about themselves which means that after JKL doing this segment five times, people still haven't had the fear put in them. I don't know about you, but I would be so completely embarrassed if I saw anyone read an insulting tweet I wrote about them, celebrity or not. Luckily, not everyone feels this way so we'll continue to get these awesome videos.
The first mean tweet this week went to George Clooney who read, "i'm very much looking forward to the day when the world stops sucking george clooney's t**t. lumpy faced basterd. [sic]" Clooney replied, "F**k you @seauxphie!" Can you imagine George Clooney telling you "f**k you" on live TV? See, these are the things you need to think about before tweeting.
After Clooney, a very bearded Jon Hamm read an insult that included the phrase, "I hate his pig name" and Rob Lowe got what was the most clever insult (well, clever in a horrible way, but still) of the night when he read, "Rob Lowe looks like skin cancer." Rob Lowe just smiles at the camera and nods. I mean, he knows he's that tan, right? I should stop now in case a segment called, "Celebrities Read Vaguely Offensive Internet Articles" is created.
Check out the full video for yourself for a ton more mean tweets including Sarah Silverman, Cate Blanchett, and Matt Damon reading a tweet from someone not-so-surprising.
Image: ABC