In this post-Hunger Games world in which we all now unfortunately live, a number of YA dystopian thrillers are hoping to captivate the public in the way that Katniss Everdeen did. None have fully succeeded yet, but the closest by far has been the Divergent series. The franchise has plenty of fans, and it has been successful enough at the box office to see production of the third film in the series, Allegiant, which hits theaters on March 18. The new film follows the story of the third and final installment in the corresponding book series, which has fans who've read the book wondering: Does Tris die in Allegiant ? Obviously, spoilers ahead!
In Veronica Roth's novel Allegiant , Tris does indeed perish at the book's conclusion. This event caused the young author to receive intense backlash from both critics and fans, who weren't quite happy with her bold decision to kill off her protagonist. So knowing that Tris, who is portrayed by Shailene Woodley in the films, dies in the book version of Allegiant, things don't look so great for her in the film version... except for one little detail in the movie's favor: Allegiant is not the final film in the series.
Taking a page from the Hunger Games... and Twilight... and Harry Potter... OK, every YA series, Divergent is splitting its final book into two separate movies, with the final film, Ascendant , premiering next year. By doing this, Allegiant the movie will roughly follow the first half of Allegiant the book, and since Tris doesn't die until somewhere near the end of the book, it's safe to say that she will not die in Allegiant the film. Not only that, but she is confirmed to star in Ascendant, so unless that movie is going to be extremely flashback-heavy (which would make no sense), she's not going to die in Allegiant.
So Tris is safe for now. And who knows, she may even end up living through the end of Ascendant. The book's ending was pretty unpopular, and movies often change the ending of their source material to make it more palatable for audiences. Plus, the tagline for the film is: "The end is never what you expect". Might this be a hint that the film and book will have different endings, and that Tris won't die in the film version? It certainly seems possible that there might be a happy ending in store for Divergent yet, but fans are going to have to wait another year to find out because Allegiant isn't the end.
Images: Lionsgate Films; giphy.com