Real Housewives of New York City star Sonja Morgan is known for being "an international fashion lifestyle brand." But when she isn't being recognized for knowing exactly who she is and doing what she loves (making toaster ovens, creating a fashion line, partying with her bestie Ramona Singer), she is known for having a million interns. With each new season of RHONY comes new faces in Sonja's household, who help her with whatever she needs done. As much as you might think being her intern would be chaotic, let's face it, being an intern for Sonja Morgan would be the best job ever.
I mean, if I could go back to college and apply for an internship, it'd probably be with Sonja. It would by no means relate to my major and minor (English and writing) nor my current writing career, but who cares? I have no doubt I'd walk away entertained and never bored. However, seeing as that isn't going to happen, I'd gladly spend a day in the shoes of one of her interns just to see what it's really like.
Although, admittedly, it might be a bit stressful not knowing what to expect each day, because I like structure and routine, I'm sure it'd still be pretty fantastic. Sonja would make the most hilarious, spontaneous, and fun boss around.
1. Duties Are All-Encompassing
What excatly does a Sonja Morgan intern do? That's a good question, because I'm still not exactly sure. But, as showcased in past episodes, they help with her schedule, rearrange her closet, ensure she watches the best shows (above), sort her vitamins and pills, and whatever else Sonja needs completed.
2. You Get School Credit

Sonja explained that her interns receive school credit during a RHONY reunion. For. Real. It sure seems like an extremely simple way to get college credit, right? Who wouldn't want that?
3. Interns Can Work Internationally
Remember that time during a reunion she said that she had a homeless girl working/tweeting for her in Ireland? Apparently, she has help all over the world. So, if you live outside of the United States, you can still lend a helping hand to Sonja.
4. It's Like One Big Party
When isn't Sonja's life like a night out at the club? Who wants to go to an internship that is completely boring, when you could work for someone who is totally unpredictable?
5. You Will Never Not Be Entertained
Just look at the above gif. Need I say more?
6. You'll Basically Be Famous
As she's told Bethenny Frankel time and time again, she promotes people. Plus, her interns are constantly featured on RHONY. If you want to be famous or get your name out there, this is one way to do it.
7. You Will Always Feel Important
As an intern, Sonja will need you left and right, no matter the task. Interns make up part of her "international fashion lifestyle brand" team, meaning they are beyond important.
8. Life Advice Is Free
An internship is all about learning, right? Leave it to Sonja to teach you all kinds of life lessons.
9. Satisfaction Is Guaranteed
When doesn't Sonja satisfy? You will most definitely walk away thinking, "Yeah, I don't know if this will help me professionally, but this is one experience I will never forget."
10. You'd Probably Meet The Other Housewives
Just another incentive.
11. You'd Be Working With Freaking Sonja Morgan
She's only the best Housewife ever!
Hey, Sonja, how do I apply?
Images: realitytvgifs/Tumblr; Giphy (10)