Major YA Author Announces A New Series

Fans of YA literature, it's time to get extremely excited: bestselling author Marie Lu has two new books coming up, and the first will be out next year. So far, Lu's YA books have been so popular that the author has been described as a "hit factory" by the New York Times. Readers adored her Legend series — and her Young Elites series is about to be turned into a mega film franchise. Basically, everything she touches turns to bestselling gold — and now she's about to do it again.
G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers have acquired Marie Lu's latest series, a duology which will begin in Fall 2017 with Warcross. Lu, who is a gamer and has worked as a video game art director, describes Warcross as "a love letter to all my favorite things": it's about two teenage bounty hunters hired to catch a hacker in the world's most popular virtual reality game. Doesn't that sound amazing already?!
As Jen Besser, the Vice President of G.P. Putnam's Sons, said in a release, "every new book from Marie Lu is a major event, and Putnam could absolutely not pass up the opportunity to work with her again." And it looks like Lu is just as excited about the project: she posted an adorable picture to her Instagram expressing her excitement about her upcoming series.
But if Fall 2017 seems an awfully long way away, don't worry, we'll get new Marie Lu before then. Midnight Star, the final installment in the Young Elites series, is coming out in October of this year.
Image: Courtesy of Penguin Random House