What's Kirk Fogg Been Up To Since His Nick Days?

Like all '90s kids, I lived for Nickelodeon game shows. My personal favorite was GUTS, but I was also pretty into Double Dare and, of course, Legends of the Hidden Temple. The latter sorta freaked me out a bit, but I'm pretty sure that was the point, and I loved it because of that — and the fact that the game seemed nearly impossible to win, no matter how fierce of a competitor you were. Still, I tuned in for every episode thinking maybe that would be the day one kid would figure it all out and wind up victorious (which actually did happen, albeit extremely rarely). Now that a Legends of the Hidden Temple movie is in the works, my childhood has come rushing back in full force, and I'm left wondering what happened to my 2nd grade BFF's biggest crush. In other words, where is Legend of the Hidden Temple host Kirk Fogg now?
Fogg has always shown a lot of fondness for his time on the show, and for good reason — it was a lot of fun. He even recently fronted a mini-documentary giving away the secrets behind Legends of the Hidden Temple, including explaining the infamous Shrine of the Silver Monkey challenge. But since the series went off in 1995, so there are more than two decades in his career that are still unaccounted for. So what's Fogg been up to?
While Legends of the Hidden Temple as probably Fogg's biggest claim to fame, it's certainly not all he's been up to. Since leaving Nickelodeon, he's worked as writer, director, producer, and cinematographer on two movies and has also done a little acting here and there (including playing a district attorney in the pilot episode of Veronica Mars back in 2004 — fun fact!).
Most recently, Fogg starred in a 2013 commercial for the Volkswagen Passat looking totally different than we remember him as kids (but still very much like Kirk Fogg). Other than that, he seems to be keeping a rather low profile, which is fair enough. The real question here is, will Fogg be in the Legends of the Hidden Temple movie? I can't think of any better nod to the series, or any better way to indulge in a serious dose of nostalgia. If you're listening, casting directors, let's make it happen.
Image: Nickelodeon