How To Get A "Make Donald Drumpf Again" Hat

John Oliver has launched a counter-campaign against Donald Trump's presidential bid. Oliver has made a mockery of Trump's slogan, "Make America Great Again," as well as the Trump brand in general, with his "Make Donald Drumpf Again" line of swag. The line includes a red hat that looks very much like the one Trump's campaign doles out, but Oliver's features his Drumpf slogan instead. On Sunday's episode of Last Week Tonight, Oliver dumped on Trump for 22 straight minutes, saying that The Donald's persona of strength and success is a chimera. Pointing out the connection between the Trump name and traits like toughness and honesty, Oliver thought it appropriate to note that Trump's original family name, "Drumpf," was decidedly less powerful-sounding. He's selling his "Make Donald Drumpf Again" swag in an effort to "break the spell" of the Trump name, and here's how to get a Donald Drumpf hat.
You can purchase your Drumpf hat at the HBO store online. They are selling for $17.50, and will be shipped within seven to 10 days. The hats are made in the U.S., and the official product description reads: "A hat, specially designed to be worn on the head, as a reminder of the real Donald Drumpf. All hats are being sold at cost, because we know nothing would irritate him more than someone choosing not to make a profit." It also comes in a nice navy blue.
During his tirade against Trump on Sunday, Oliver covered a lot of territory. His team compiled a plethora of video clips of Trump that serve as evidence against Trump supporters' claims that he's tough, honest, and as successful as he makes himself out to be. Oliver sought "a way to uncouple that magical word [Trump] from the man he really is," and bringing Drumpf back is, for Oliver, that way. He said,
if you are thinking of voting for Donald Trump, the charismatic guy promising to make America great again, stop and take a moment to imagine how you'd feel if you just met a guy named Donald Drumpf, a litigious serial liar with a string of broken business ventures and the support of a former Klan leader who he can't decide whether or not to condemn. Would you think he'd make a good president, or is the spell somewhat broken?
Get your own hat at the HBO store to test out Oliver's theory. If you don't break any spells, at least your head will be warm, and you'll probably make at least a few people laugh.
Image: HBO (1)