
5 Things More Important For Good Sex Than His Size

by Amanda Chatel

Depending on the source, the importance of penis size is debatable. You’ll find some people who either insist that size is truly everything, or those who sort of shrug it off because, as many of us who have been with people with smaller penises know, they do make up for it other ways. No matter how you slice it, it’s a topic that people, both men and women, feel fairly strongly about for obvious reasons.

However, there are so many more important things than penis size. According to a study by behavioral scientist and Director of the Sexual Health Promotion Lab at the University of Kentucky, Dr. Kristen Mark, penis size is just one component of sex satisfaction — and it’s not even a big one. (Yes, pun intended.) As she found in her “Penis Perception Survey,” although 45 percent of men wished their penis were bigger and only 26.3 percent of men felt comfortable with their partner seeing them not erect, the respondents placed more emphasis on other sex-related traits and qualities. In fact, 65.9 percent agree that technique far outweighs size, hands down.

Here are five other things more important than penis size.

1. Attraction

For 61.9 percent of respondents, attraction is worth a whole lot more than penis size, which I think, in many ways, should be obvious. It doesn’t matter how big a penis may be, if there’s no sexual attraction there, you're probably better off ordering pizza, watching some TV, and calling it a night instead.

2. Experience

Not far behind attraction is experience, at 69.1 percent. While sexual experience definitely plays a major role — think about how your sex life has evolved since you’ve aged — I do like to believe that there are fast learners out there. What one may lack in experience, they may make up for in listening and communication skills. But that could be wishful thinking on my part.

3. Creativity

According to the respondents, 71.9 percent put creativity way above penis size, because of course! Sex is the perfect time to be creative, experiment with various positions, explore sexual fetishes and desires, and maybe even take a sneak peek into some kinky realms. Personally, creativity wins huge points here. If you’re not sure where to start, grab some food, and incorporate that and see your partner go nuts. Food with sex FTW.

4. Connection

For 76.6 percent of those who participated in the study, connection is where it’s at for sexual satisfaction. Similar to attraction, this makes perfect sense in that if there’s no connection, you’re basically signing up for a humdrum roll in the hay. Humdrum sex is reason enough to NOT even have sex at all, in my humble opinion.

5. Sexual Communication

The most important part of the sexual equation? Sexual communication, with 77.6 percent of respondents voting on this one being more important than penis size.

Yes, yet again we come back to the fact that communication before, during, and even after sex is the basically the golden ticket when it comes to sexual satisfaction. If you don’t have communication, then all you have are two people bumping and grinding, without direction or even the slightest clue as to how to pleasure each other. Definitely not the way to go through life.

Want more of Bustle's Sex and Relationships coverage? Check out our video on sex positions for small penises:

Images: Andrew Zaeh/Bustle; Giphy(5)