10 Adult Coloring Books Every Book Lover Needs

It's no secret that adult coloring books have been totally killing it for about a year now. There are coloring books outselling huge authors on Amazon, they're available in almost any store you go in, and people are swearing by them. If you have yet to hop on the adult coloring bandwagon, I'm here to push you over the edge. It's relaxing, a huge stress reliever, and the books are beautifully drawn.
If you feel like you have better things (like reading books, maybe) to do with your time, there's a coloring book for that, too. It was really only a matter of time before other book series followed in hot pursuit of the Harry Potter coloring book. There's an Outlander coloring book, a color your own comic book series, and yes, even more Harry Potter coloring books. The point is, adult coloring is taking a turn for the literary, and there's never been a better time to get on board!
So, if you love a good #shelfie, there's a coloring book for you. If you're still envious of Belle's library, look no further. And, if you just can't wait to fall down the coloring rabbit hole, there's an Alice in Wonderland book for you to get lost in. No matter what kind of books you like to read, here are 10 coloring books every true bookworm needs in their life.
1. Animal Sleep Stories Coloring Book by Daria Tessler
This coloring books is like stepping into a great fairy tale from when you were little. Mermaids, dragons, and animals, oh my! It's cute, it colors like a great bedtime story, and is perfect for book-lovers and adult colorers alike!
2. The Official A Game of Thrones Coloring Book
If you're impatiently waiting for the new season of Game of Thrones, this might be just the coloring book for you! Immensely detailed and perfect for whiling away the hours, The Official A Game of Thrones Coloring Book will make the wait for May fly by.
3. Coffee-Lovers Coloring Book by Beth Ingrias
Because there's nothing like a good book and a great cup of coffee.
4. Fairy Tale and Fantasy Coloring Book
Reading and hearing fairytales when we were little is an experience many of us had as early readers — and one that likely turned us into the readers we are today! Take a trip down bookish memory lane with this coloring book!
5. Harry Potter Magical Creatures Coloring Book
If you've already filled the pages of your original Harry Potter coloring book, have no fear. The follow up is here, and filled with as many magical creatures as you can possibly color!
6. Anne of Green Gables Coloring Book
Anne of Green Gables is a classic, so it should come as no surprise that it's making a comeback in coloring book form just in time for the coloring book craze!
7. Beauty and the Beast Coloring Book
Belle is a classic bookworm idol, since most readers spent their childhoods (and, OK, adulthood, too) wishing for her castle library, this one is a must-have for readers and artists alike.
8. Off the Bookshelf Coloring Book by Samarra Khaja
Because it doesn't get better than a coloring book full of bookshelf envy. It just doesn't.
9. Alice in Wonderland Coloring Book
"We're all mad here." Mad about this coloring book, of course. This one promises to be filled with absolutely beautiful pictures that will offer hours of relaxation.
10. Great Scenes From Horror Stories Coloring Book by John Green
If you find yourself reaching more often for horror than the classics, don't worry — there's a coloring book fro you, too! This one compiles classics scenes from horror novels, drawn by John Green (but probably not THAT John Green.)
Image: Pixabay