How Will Richard's Death Impact 'Gilmore Girls'?

Although we're all psyched about the upcoming Gilmore Girls Netflix revival like Lorelai and Rory on a particularly potent caffeine high, I have to say that I have some concerns. With the loss of Edward Herrmann back in 2014, we're losing a major part of the show; even with the return of many of your favorite Stars Hollow residents, his absence will be palpable. What's sweet is that Amy Sherman-Palladino said that Richard Gilmore's death will be an important part of the Gilmore Girls reboot... but I guess the question is, how?
I mean, there's no doubt that his passing will be tackled with lots of tears and probably even some laughter (lest we forget Cinnamon's wake, our first Gilmore Girls death). But I'm interested in finding out how this shockwave will impact the rest of the characters. How will Rory cope with losing her comrade in literary explorations? How will Emily deal when Richard promised that she may go first? And we've seen Lorelai crumble at Richard's heart attacks before, but how will she handle this?
I do have faith that although Richard's passing will shake the Gilmore girls (all of them) they'll get through it. In the meantime, here are all the ways it could impact the overall plot.
1. It Could Bring Rory Back To Stars Hollow From Perhaps A Long Sabbatical Of Being A World-Traveling Journalist
When we last left Rory she was following the Obama campaign around the country, so it isn't crazy to think that she's still out there fighting the good fight and, you know, making Christiane Amanpour proud. And even though she was nearly attached to her mom's hip for the crux of the series (barring that whole Yale fall out), maybe it's been a really long while since she swung by Connecticut. Obviously this would be an effective catalyst to bring her back into town.
2. It Could Push Emily Into A Fun Scotch-At-3-P.M. Breakdown
Remember after when the OG Lorelai (you know know, Richard's mom) died and Emily was handling it just fine... right before she found a letter from Trix urging Richard not to marry her? Yeah, that left her clad in the finest robes, smoking in the house and tossing back liquor in the middle of the day. My heart aches for Emily, but I kind of love that version of her, so maybe it could be a pitstop through her grief.
3. Lorelai Could Throw The Most Boss Funeral Ever
I did mention Cinnamon's wake, right? Given Lorelai's knack for party planning (and Stars Hollow's love of eccentric town events) maybe she has to cope by making it a whole free-for-all.
4. But Most Likely It'll Make Lorelai Collapse Into Hysterics And Luke Will Pick Up The Pieces
Because it's Luke. It's what he does, and we're pretty sure that him and Lorelai have probably settled down right now. And I know Christopher is coming back and all, but, given how he iced Lorelai out during Richard's second heart attack, he's just going to disappoint, if anything.
5. The Funeral Will Be An Occasion To Bring Back Many Of Rory's Suitors Without It Feeling Forced
I mean, it is sort of forced as a plot device, but I would have a hard time buying that Jess, Logan, and Dean would all be in the same place at the same time otherwise. Actually, Dean probably never left Stars Hollow and finally made it official with Miss Patty, so...
6. Or Richard's Death Will Spark A Memorial Within The Yale Community And That'll Allow Logan To Appear
Maybe they'll open a new dorm in his name and put it right next to the Rory Gilmore Anthropology Building.
7. Someone, At Least One Of Rory's Suitors, Will Capitalize On Richard's Passing And Swoop In Romantically
I don't know who exactly, but I would place hard money on this. That girl needs a shoulder to cry on, and Luke's going to have his shoulders full with Lorelai.
8. Maybe Rory's Return To Connecticut Will Make Her Realize That She Wants To Move Back And Settle Down There
I mean, it would be anticlimactic for sure, yet it all makes sense if you think about it. Rory leaves home, has adventures, returns for a death, gets reunited with her exes, realizes she never should've left this place, and decides to just stick to one place and write. This could happen, and it would make sense. I mean, she should've never left Stars Hollow in the first place. We all should never have left Stars Hollow.
These are aaaaall just speculation, as time will only tell how Richard's death affects our girls. However it works out, though, it's clear that his passing has left a hole in the Hollow.
Images: Warner Bros. Television; Giphy (8)